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After I was announced to be quirkless i was neglected by my family, dad started training my sister to better control her quirk and training her physically saying - A FUTURE PRO HERO SHOULD ALWAYS TRAIN MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY. as for my mother she started making healthy food telling my sister - Our future Number 1 hero should always have her stomach full so she can grow into a powerful and beautiful lady. I thought my parents were cocky that they think that my sister will become the number 1 hero not aware that both my parents are a well known pro hero who are in top 5 in hero charts but i learned later why my parents told her she will become number 1 hero.

As for me and my parents our conversation were kept to a minimum and this conversation were only when they needed something from me like Go get groceries when they are too lazy to move themselves and if I were to disobey them I would be told by mother - WHY CAN'T YOU DO WHAT WE TELL YOU,YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A WEEK AND IF YOU DON'T GO I WILL INCREASE IT TO TWO WEEKS AND I WON'T MAKE YOU DINNER. I was completely sad that my parents are treating my sister as a princess while I was treated as a butler to them and the fact that she had forgotten the fact that she stopped cooking for me since the quirk test she always left the food in the refrigerator. I did chores to other neighbors to get money because my parents stopped giving me allowance and stopped buying me things because they thought it would be best to invest in there little princess. Whenever i wanted training from dad even if it's just a hand to hand combat to be able to defend myself he would always to try find an excuse like- Sorry, I can't right now Izumi injured her legs. the apology were always around Izumi this Izumi that. so I go to my mother despite the fact that i am not a big fan of her because she can sometimes be harsh and ask for help with studies or homework she would always respond- don't have time or Izumi can't do her homework or why can't you do it yourself. that's why I always learned to be independent on myself learning to cook, study, work and train and since I wanted to be a hero even if my parents doesn't believe me I decided to train by observing dad training my sister and when I am alone I would perform the same training.

As for school it was much worse than even being grounded by my mom, after the school discovered that i was quirkless i left alone like i was the plague that's when my sister, kacchan, todoroki, Katsumi and Shota started bullying me constantly and whenever my sister asked me- izuku do you still want to be a hero even without a quirk. I always nodded yes and tell her that it have been always my dream. but there response were more beatings that's when kacchan and Izumi would tell me- That I am nothing but a useless deku. I would always return home limping but my parents never noticed so I had to learn to patch myself with bandages.

As i grew older i started despising my family greatly and you might ask why i am still there and haven't run away, well it's because i don't have the money to do so and i am smarter than going out and living on the streets as for the second reason was because my grandfather Sorahiko known to be (Grand Torino) always send me presents for my birthday despite the fact that he couldn't come personally it always made me happy that someone remembers me. you might ask why haven't i went to him, well it's quite simple grand torino house wasn't fit to raise an 10 year old child.

I always wondered why my sister pretended to be nice in front of our parents while being aggressive towards me in school. and why she even started this in the first place she always told me- listen big bro no matter what happens i will always have your back.



Izumi after izuku was diagnosed quirkless she started convincing izuku that it will be impossible for him to become without a quirk which izuku refused and was persisting on becoming a hero no matter what. izumi knew about the risk that the hero go through and some of them with powerful quirks die by villains in the street so she went to her four friends Katsuki, katsumi, Shoto and Shota. she informed them about the situation and how izuku is persisting on becoming a hero and how she is concerned for his well being of course the bakugou's responded with - how about we intimidate him with our quirks and make him give up. of course Izumi and the others were concerned with this kind of method especially Izumi and Shota who seem to have a crush on our cinnamon roll but they had to accept it because it's the only way of course in the whole bullying Shota always held back not wanting to badly injure him as well as izumi. they got used to it that it became there everyday routine to pick on izuku of course Shota always held back even after all this years she also tried to avoid the group and bring excuses to not participate in the bullying sometimes so they don't get suspicious at the fact that she loves izuku because of the fact that katsuki loves Shota but she never felt the same so in order to protect izuku she had to go through with it.



after another beating session we were pretty satisfied with the outcome but i noticed that Shota was always sad whenever we beat deku but i never thought about it much since he was our friend before he was announced quirkless and that it's for the best since she doesn't deserve to be around that loser, she should hangout with the best of the best but the more and more i watched her i knew something was up she not only was upset with us beating him but she also started bringing excuses to not participate which all of us noticed she also tried to hide her blush when she was close to Deku and in class she always looked at him which enrages me but i decided not to jump to conclusion a expressed my concerns to Izumi who she also noticed and said something that angered me a lot - She probably have a crush on that failure didn't expect that from her. i got mad about it and went to Todoroki and told him the situation he also didn't like it and didn't want his sister to end up with a loser like him. we then decided to take her to the park and i started questioning her angrily she tried to denied it but the more she talked about him she always blushed and stuttered. we kept at it until she admit that she loved him from the beginning saying- Izuku is a nice person he always cared for us and always had our back and all we did was hurt him more. I shout at her saying that he is a loser and why chose him rather than him and Todoroki agree by saying- you are ruining your future with a weakling who can't even defend himself he is a waste of space. then for the first time shota yelled which was unusual for her do so and she said- As far as i am concerned the losers here are you four, you bullied someone who had respect for you and was ready to put his life on the line for us and that how we reward him, i love him because he is kind and gentle and isn't arrogant like you bakugo from today forward i am leaving this group i don't want to have anything to do with any of you and when i see him i will ask for his forgiveness. She left leaving us all heartbroken that we lost a friend as for me i lost my crush all because of that damn nerd if he hadn't been here she would be my girlfriend right now so me and todoroki and katsumi agreed to chase deku who was close from here and beat him up brutally.

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