chapter one

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"Well maybe if you weren't always in the way, I could actually be learning something. why do you always feel the need to assert yourself everywhere?"

"maybe if you actually wanted to play volleyball, you wouldn't find having me around as a problem. but you only care about yourself!" 

"if it weren't for you, i could be learning something actually useful, but your shrimp ass always feels the need to put yourself in front of others. you say i only care about myself when you're the one who keeps interrupting my practice time?!"

"don't act like you even care about volleyball! you said it yourself, you can never be great. you always settle for less! its annoying. if you actually wanted to get better you would practice with a bigger variety. you're a middle blocker like me, so if i offer to practice together how is that me trying to disturb you?! i thought it would be good for the both of us! and even if you didn't want to , you could've just politely declined instead of yelling at me about how I'm always in the way!"


"ENOUGH!" everyone was kind of expecting the angry duo to get interrupted, but not by the coach. hinata and tsukkishima looked over at coach, a bit surprised that it wasn't daichi this time. daichi was usually the ones to end the fights with some stupid punishment like cleaning for the rest of the week or having to fill up the water bottles for the team together.

hinata and tsukkishima usually fought, but it was never this bad. they had been at each other's throats all week, ever since tsukkishima sabotaged him into getting all the wrong answers on his test.  hinata was furious and was close to tears about it. tsuki was proud of himself. 

Ukai inhaled and exhaled heavily, an undertone of stress as he pinches the bridge of his nose. he looked at the pair and motioned them to come to him. tsukkishima and hinata looked at each other and they understood. 

were in troubleeeeee.         

they both came to ukai, who was looking away from them angrily. The entire team was staring at the scene with scared eyes. Asahi fainted and nishinoya and tanaka were trying to hold in their laughs. takeda looked at ukai curiously, wondering what he was going to do. 

ukai sighed heavily as the two high school boys slumped in front of him. before they could open their mouths, ukai raised his hand up to stop them.

"no!" hinata and tsukkishima took in a fast breath. they really were in some deep trouble. 

"you guys have been fighting way too much. so from now on..." it felt like everything stopped. the boys held their breath and waited for what he was going to say. what they heard next is worse than any punishment they could've ever thought of.

"from now on, you guys have to hang out every Saturday. or you're out."

"WHAT?!" even tsukkishima raised his voice. everyone else looked shocked. asahi, who had recovered seconds ago, just to hear ukai say the punishment, had fainted again. nishinoya and tanaka couldn't hold their laughs in this time. they burst out in laughter. almost immediately, daichi and suga were behind them, smacking their stomachs.


"Ukai please! you cant do this!" hinata bowed in front of ukai. 

"Ill do anything else Sensei." tsukkishima positioned himself to be in front of hinata, making him grumble. 

"no. hang out and get along. once i see you guys getting along, you guys don't have to hang out anymore. you can only miss when you have something really serious, and ill need your parent to confirm." hinata grumbled again since he was planning on making excuses already. 

"if you don't, you're out. either on the sidelines or off the team, whichever i see fit." ukai gave them a scary eye and they immediately started to nod, backing away. they all had to admit, coach was being pretty harsh. 

"y-yes sir!"

the rest of practice went by smoothly. tsukkishima and hinata didn't talk at all, they didn't even look at each other. 

"boke hinata boke! almost getting yourself kicked off the team what were you thinking!?" kageyama was the first one on hinatas case, while Yamaguchi just stood next to tsukkishima. he knew that if he brought it up tsukkishima would get annoyed and he didn't want that. 

"it wasn't my fault!" hinata yelled out in a high pitched and whiny voice. tsukkishima rolled his eyes as he overheard the conversation. 

"well you should just learn to shut up!" kageyama hit the back of hinatas head. hinata pouted and let a large amount of air escape his nose in a huff. tsukkishima rolled his eyes again, which made Yamaguchi pull on his sleeve. he looked down at Yamaguchi, who had a small smile on his face. 

"lets get back to practice." yama was soft. 

"whatever bakayama. just toss to me!" hinata ran back to the court, his smile back on his face. tsukkishima turned around after agreeing to practice with Yamaguchi. yamaguchi and kageyama shared a look. yamaguchi gave a small smile and kageyama smirked. yama blushed in reply and stuck out his tongue. kageyama let out a small chuckle and they parted ways from their silent conversation. suga smiled at the two, realizing that they were dating. takeda and kiyoko were the first to find out about the two since they made their silent conversations pretty obvious. they all thought it was cute. 

after practice, where hinata and tsukkishima didn't even spare a glance at each other, they all went home. tsukkishima showered quickly and got to do his homework. he tried to stay focused but all he could think about was having to hang out with hinata. 

i cant believe i have to spend every Saturday with that shrimp. i cant believe we have to get along. this is just stupid and a waste of time, he's probably going to make me tutor his dumbass.

he put all his materials away and decided to just lay down in bed. he tossed and turned until he was finally able to sleep, dreading the future saturdays to come. 

hinata, on the other hand, was pretty happy that he was going to talk to tsukkishima every Saturday. he was happy that they were going to be forced to get along, even thought he didn't really like tsukkishima. he always tried to get along with him, but tsukki was always a big jerk to him. he thought it was because he was jealous at first, but now he thinks he's just rude. hinata tried to make sense as to why, but he never could, especially with how oblivious and dumb he is. though he hated the thought of having to be around a jerk, maybe this really could help the pair out. he practiced volleyball for about an hour and a half, showered and went off to bed, hoping that this upcoming Saturday would go good. 


that's the end of chapter oneeeee, i hope you all enjoyed it i honestly don't have an updating schedule, so i will just update whenever i have content, which will probably be like once a week hehe. bye byeeeee :)))))))

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