First Date

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RaMona Week 2021

Day 1: First Date/First Kiss


Did Raphael ever expect this to happen? Never. Not in a million years would he ever have thought he would go on a date, let alone find a girl who would love him for who he was, but today proved him wrong! After the big battle with Newtrailzer and Lord Dregg's army, Mona Lisa decided to stay on Earth. She claimed to her commander that it was so she could keep the planet safe from future intergalactic threats, but Raph knew her true reason why. So finally, after nearly a year of long distance, the struggles and conflicts they faced, and countless battles fought, Raphael and Mona Lisa were finally going on their first official date.

"Is this what you were referring to when you asked me if I wanted to 'go out sometime'?" Mona Lisa asked Raphael. They stood on a high building rooftop where Raph told her to meet him for their date. The sun had finally set, and the sky was growing dark while the building lights competed with its brightness with the shining stars above. The perfect time to go out and enjoy their evening.

"Yeah, basically," Raph tells her, "On Earth we call this a 'date'."

"Interesting... and what do you do on this date?"

"Anything we want," he explains, "Watch a movie, go to dinner, the whole purpose is to spend time together, but... most of the things people on my planet do on a date we can't..." Raph's tone turned timid. He started to blush as he confessed, "I was kinda hoping that when I did take you out we'd do something more, umm... romantic. You know?"

"I don't mind if we can't do the traditional customs on your planet," Mona says with a comforting smile, "All that matters is that I get to spend the evening with you."

"And that's why I love you..." Raphael says, looking at his date with a loving smile, admiring her in moonlight. She looked so beautiful. The moon made her blue skin and silver spots sparkle and her golden eyes glowed in the night. The only thing that caught Raphael off guard was her outfit. This whole time knowing her Raphael has only ever seen Mona in one outfit, in her blue and teal battle armor. However for tonight it was gone and for the first time he saw her in something different.

Mona notices Raphael's eyes were locked onto her, studying her, "What is it, Raphael?"

"Nothing, it's just, um..." He starts to rub the back of his neck, "I've just always seen you in your armor..."

"Oh..." Mona looks down to examine her outfit. She was so used to wearing her armor and was perfectly fine with wearing it tonight, but she was informed by April that a lady should not wear battle armor to a date. So for the night Mona removed her armor and changed into more comfortable Salamandrian clothing that she brought with her. A teal turtleneck crop top with black leggings. The only piece of accessories that originated from her armor was her blaster gloves, just in case of an emergency.

"Do you not like it?" Mona asked, looking back up at Raphael with concern.

"N-No! Not at all! You look amazing!" Raph tells her in a panic, scared that he insulted her. He doesn't want her to have that impression, "I'm just not used to seeing you in something that's not your armor. It's a nice change," he blushes, "You look beautiful..."

Mona giggles from his short moment of panic, a reaction she found rather amusing. Her face begins to blush as well, "Thank you, Raphael," she then approaches him and asks, "So, tell me, what do you have planned for us to do this evening?"

"Well, I was thinking I could take you on a tour of New York. Since you're going to be living here now you should learn the routes, plus the city is beautiful at night," Raph tells her as he pulls out his grappling hook and fires. The hook locks on to a far off building. Raph then turns to Mona and offers her his hand, "You in?"

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