Tell Me About Her

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This is a epilogue to the episode Insecta Trifecta (S4 Ep17). I really wanted a moment with Splinter and Raph where they would talk about Mona Lisa and I thought we were gonna have that moment during the episode but sadly it never came. So I made one myself!


Splinter was in his room as his son, Raphael, came in smiling. His son thanked him for teaching him the special Japanese phrase to help him overcome his fear of insects -- this saved his brothers and friends from Baxter and his mutant bug army. To Raph's surprise, his dad informed him that the "special mantra" was just Japanese for, "This means nothing". Though Splinter could tell Raph was displeased, he asked him to not tell his brothers, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey, hoping to one day use that same trick on them. Raph thought the idea was funny, so he promised to keep it their little secret.

That's when Splinter's curiosity got the better of him. He knew that, while they were still alone, this was the best time to confront his son, without his other sons making fun of their hotheaded sibling. To ask Raphael the question that was on his mind all day. To ask him about her.

Splinter looked at his son, "Raphael, may I ask you something?"

"Sure, Master Splinter," answered Raph. "What is it?"

Looking at his son with curiosity and seriousness, Splinter asks, "Who is Mona Lisa?"

Raph began to blush. Just hearing her name makes his heart skip a beat. "W-well, um, s-she's a girl that I met while we were all in outer space."

"That's all?" Splinter asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... no." said Raph "She's from a planet of alien salamanders. She's a lieutenant for her planet's army. She helped us out a lot during our trip in space." He looks at his father confused, "How long have you known about her?"

"Not long." Splinter answered, "I just overheard you and your brothers mention her early today. You seemed rather angry at Donatello when he brought her up in conversation."

"I just didn't like Donnie talking bad about her..." Raph explained quickly as he blushed.

"Is she someone important to you, my son?"

Raph felt embarrassed. He wanted to tell him about her, but he never knew the right time.

"Y-yes. She is." Raph said softly as a smile began to appear on his face.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Splinter asked.

At that moment, Raphael's face turned as red as his mask. He looked at his father with wide eyes.

Splinter smirks, "I'll take that as a 'Yes'." Raphael looks down at the floor, still utterly embarrassed. Splinter then walks to the tree that is in the dojo and sits down near it. He gestures to his son to come sit with him.

Raphael joins his father, sitting across from him under the tree.

"Tell me about her," Splinter says gently.

Raph looked at his father, he was surprised Splinter wanted to know, but also quite happy. He finally had the chance to talk about her to someone who's not a fire-breathing baby alien turtle.

"Well, it all started when we went to outer space," Raph began. "Our ship crashed into her ship, and we crash landed on an ice planet together. We all ended up fighting her and her commander; and to be honest, it was hard just fighting her alone. She practicality took Donnie, April, and I out by herself, without breaking a sweat!"

Splinter strokes his chin, "Hmm, impressive."

"She ended up giving me a few good hits and that's when I realized how incredible she was. I've never seen someone like her before..." Raph said with a slight smile "The way she fought, her strength, her determination, her bravery, the passion she had in her eyes," Raph lovingly sighs. "She was headstrong, but also elegant at the same time. Everything about her made me feel a way no one has never made me feel before, Sensai. And to be honest, it was the best feeling I'd ever had."

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