Family Vacation Gone Wrong (Part 2)

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The cries calling out to him, pleading for him to be alright and to wake up was the last thing Raphael heard. Making a promise to his wife that he will not leave her, he will not go down that easily after a cheap shot from their old enemy. All Raphael could see was darkness. A black silent void as he struggled to move, recollecting what happened. He could still picture that moment. His two oldest children, Irrilia and Thalos, on the ship growing frustrated, scared and confused about what they should do. His youngest son, Sal, shook with fear as Armaggon approached with his blaster, ready to aim and fire. Finally, his beloved wife Mona Lisa, injured and down after Armaggon struck her right in the gut, on the floor in agonizing pain.

"Uhh... run... kids..."

Raphael felt his heart begin to race from the fear as he remembered Armaggon lifting his gun at his son's face ready to fire. His wife, with the last ounce of strength she had left, ran back into battle. Suddenly in a flash, Raph grabbed his son and the gun fired.

Raphael tossed and turned, his heart banging through his chest, his body dripping in sweat as the nightmare replayed in his mind over and over again.

"Argh... N-No! SAL! MONA!!"

All of a sudden, it was over. Jerking up from where he layed, Raphael awakes. No longer on the planet of Thyrina H4, Raph found himself lying in a bed, wrapped in bandages. His location seemed familiar, being in a clean white polish room with glowing neon orange trim on the walls. Bringing Raph a sense of ease, he was instantly greeted by multiple familiar friendly faces.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down there, brother. You're still injured." Leonardo tells him, gently touching Raph's shoulder and helping him sit up on his bed more comfortable, "It's okay. You're safe now."

"Dude, rocking that pirate look!" Mikey smiles, leaning playfully on the side of Raph's bed near Leo.

Donnie approaches his brother on the other side, opposite to Leo, patting Raph's shoulder with a welcoming smile, "Hey Raph, it's good to see that you're conscious now. We were starting to get worried."

"...Guys?" Raph groaned, his head aching, "What are you doing here? Where are we?... WAIT! WH-WHERE ARE MY KIDS? MONA?? I GOTTA FIND THEM!"

Before Raphael could pull himself out of bed, he was faced with a hard smack to the face, forcing him back down onto the bed. Raph could recognize that smacking hand from anywhere.

"OW! Fugitoid?! What the hell was that for?!"

"Calm down, Raphael." The professor calmly tells him, but his tone was still stern, "You're on my ship, The Ulixes."

"Okay... I can see that, but how did I get here?"

"Raph, do you not remember what happened?" Leo asked, "You're battle with Armaggon?"

"Yeah, I remember that bastard hurting my wife and attacking my kids. He was gonna hurt Sal too. I ran in to save him, but then it all became a blur... What happened after I was knocked out?"

"I can clarify that," Another more older voice says, joining in on the conversation. The four turtle brothers and android look to see Sal Commander entering the room, "Irrilia is a clever young girl. She managed to send me a distress signal during the attack, but I was unable to get there in time to help. Luckily, Fugitoid was traveling in a neighboring galaxy, so I sent him to retrieve you and your family, while I went to Earth to get your brothers."

"Lucky you!" Fugitoid smiled, "If I showed up a minute too late you would've been a goner!"

Raph rolls his eye, "Yeah, that's great and all, but what about my family?! Are they alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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