Too Good To Be True

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This story is going to have some minor NSFW moments, nothing too extreme, just making out, but this is just as a warning to those who need to know.


The moon was full and shined down on the city of New York with its mysterious glow. The city was growing quiet as the long night went on. Up top one of the towering buildings was Raphael, who was out on a solo patrol. He was scouting the area, keeping an eye out for any criminals who dare try to disrupt his city.


Speak of the devil.

Raphael's eyes look down at the streets below him. He notices in a nearby alleyway that a few crooks have broken into a bank and have stolen some cash. He watches from the high building rooftop as they quickly pack their loot into their van.

"A bank robbery?" Raph rolls his eyes, 'How original..." he says to himself sarcastically before leaping into action. Raph jumps and lands perfectly in front of the criminals, staring them down as he sees a strike of fear in their eyes.

"Oh no!" One of the crooks cries out, "It's one of those turtle mutants!"

"Not just any mutant," the second criminal said, "He's Raphael! The most feared and strongest mutant in the city!"

Raph grins as he cracks his knuckles, preparing himself for a good fight, "That's right, and you four are just in time for your butt kicking."

The criminals glare at the turtle, "Get him!"

The four criminals charge towards Raphael, but he easily dodges their pathetic attacks. One of them pulls out a knife and tries to stab Raphael, but he quickly grabs the crook's arms, disarms him, and flips him over his shoulder effortlessly, tossing him into a nearby dumpster. The second criminal tried to grab Raph in a lock, but Raph was able to break free, snapping the bad guy's arm in the process before throwing him to the side. The crook fell to the ground in defeat.

The finale two crooks tried to surprise Raphael with a sneak attack, but failed miserably. Raph gives the crooks a few good punches and kicks before they both fall to the ground as well. All four delinquents were down for the count. A quick and flawless victory for Raphael Hamato!

Soon, a police siren came from the distance. Raphael looks at the four crooks who grovel in pain on the alleyway floor, "I'll leave the rest to the cops," he tells them with a glare, "And remember, this is MY city!" And with that final threat, Raphael took off, leaving the crooks to be arrested and sent to jail.

Raphael proudly jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Another successful battle won by him and more criminals locked behind bars. It was no wonder he was able to win that fight so effortlessly though. He is the best fighter on his team after all. No matter what evil comes his way, The Foot Clan, The Kraang, the Purple Dragons, he will stop them. He's a highly trained ninja warrior. It was a glorious night for him. Nothing is going to distract Raphael from his patrol and to keep his city safe, except...

Something caught Raphael's attention in the corner of his eye. He stops in his tracks as he notices a figure on a neighboring rooftop not too far away. In the distance, standing in the moon's light, he saw a beautiful lizard woman. She was dressed in a shiny blue and teal armor, with dark blue skin and silver spots that ran all the way down to her tail. Just from the sight of her, Raph's heart began to race. He would recognize her anywhere.

"Mona? M-Mona!" Raph said excitedly as he began to run towards the alien warrior.

Raph quickly made it to the other rooftop where the love of his life stood. As he made it over, Mona turned and smiled, "Raphael!" She rushed over to him and soon the couple joined in a tight and loving embrace, both full of joy to have finally reunited after so long.

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