Chapter 18

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I didn't look back. Not even once. I was already getting a little nostalgic once we all ran into the Maze, but I wasn't going to miss it completely. There was going to be a better life for us out there, we just needed to find it. We had to help each other out so we could give them the real experience we've been waiting for. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. I have found my inner strength to push me forward. If this was what feeling brave, strong and courageous was like, then I didn't ever want this feeling to end. We were finally getting out of here, and I couldn't be more thrilled to discover what was out there as we ran forward into the unknown.

As I was running, I could feel everything all at once: I could feel the cool air on my face, my hair blowing in the wind by the agility I was moving at. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, making me want to run even faster. Excitement entered my heart, knowing that I was right beside my newfound friends and my new lover. I couldn't help being ecstatic at this very moment as my legs kept moving one after the other. In fact, I was so happy I began to smile. Everyone around me felt the same way as we kept running towards that better life for us.

Minho and Thomas led the way as we passed every stony corridor in that Maze. They were giving us words of encouragement, telling us to keep up and to not stop running. We didn't plan to stop until we accomplished our task. We were nearing our destination as Thomas kept calling that we were almost there. The two Runners in front of us grew more cautious when we were in the outer parts of the Maze, which meant danger was about to come.

Finally, after what seemed like forever non-stop running, we slowed down at a certain passage. Thomas pressed up against the wall as he cautiously peered around the corner. He peered back after what he saw. Danger, just as we all predicted. If the Creators somehow knew we were coming, they were going to give us everything they got as well.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked, out of breath.

"Yeah," Thomas nodded.


Minho pulled the metallic device from behind his harness and held it out for the kid. A key to unlock the door, I presumed.

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us," Minho instructed.

I noticed Teresa tying her long, midnight hair into a messy ponytail.

"It's okay. You can just stick with Rosalee and I," she said.

Teresa handed me a hair tie so I could keep my hair out of my face. Just like her, I quickly twisted it around three times so my hair was secure, a few loose strands in the front falling out.

We turned our attention to our new leader. Thomas looked down at his shoes for a second, then glanced up to speak to us firmly and clearly. I intently listened to his every directive words, my heart pounding as we waited for him to finish.

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