Chapter 11

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I went out of the Homestead to find Chuck sitting outside the closed Doors. Looks like he wasn't planning on giving up on them, either. I went over to sit beside him, to wait with him. No words were needed to share how we were all feeling. We were both fearing for our three friends, who were hopefully safe somewhere in a certain section of the Maze. Who knows, maybe there was hope for them after all. Maybe they did have a shot at surviving. I imagined they were working together to fight off the nasty Grievers so they could live to see tomorrow.

I didn't know how long I was spacing out for, but I remember seeing natural sunlight rising over the walls. I hadn't realized I stayed up all night, not getting a minute of sleep. The crazy thing was, I wasn't tired like I expected to be when I came to my senses. I guess I was focusing so intently on my thoughts that I ignored getting rest for my body. In fact, I felt energetic. Not in the exciting kind of way, but like a generator that got power fuel.

Again, my thoughts were interrupted when the low rumbling noise of the Doors erupted. That was one thing I hadn't forgotten, that was the whole reason why I hadn't slept at all.

"Hey, guys! Get up!" Chuck said, waving to the other boys who were waiting by the opening like us.

I got up to my feet and jogged over to the opening as the Doors opened wider. We expectantly looked into the corridor, hoping to see the three boys were there. They weren't. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. They were gone for good.

"Told you, Chuck, they're not coming back," Newt said, looking down at the innocent kid apologetically.

Newt's tone was somber. When Newt caught me staring for the third time, I didn't look away. I was able to read his face; it was somberness. I felt empathy for him. Alby was Newt's closest friend there was, not just leader and second-in-command bond. And I made things worse by being so snobby toward him, thinking it was all about me. My natural instinct was to put my arms around him, to grieve with him. But I wasn't sure if he was mad at me this time. Again, he had every reason to be.

Some of the boys who waited with us slowly turned around to walk away, having the hint of loss scribbled on their complexions. Chuck stayed where he was, however. He was thinking the same thing I was last night, wondering why everyone was just giving up. He turned to me, hoping I'll back him up like he did with me. I didn't know how to respond. I felt oncoming tears, so I forced it back by blinking. Don't cry, Rosalee, I thought. Don't cry.

I was just about to turn to walk away when Zart turned his head to the opening one last time. When he did that, his eyes flickered in surprise.

"No way," he said, not believing what his eyes were seeing.

Wanting to know what he was seeing, I instantly turned to face the opening to the Maze. All the Gladers did. I gasped quietly, my eyes widening, my jaw dropping. A smile of hope spread across my face, letting out an unbelievable chuckle as I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

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