Chapter 10

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All my strength I used before automatically vanished into thin air. My knees gave out as I fell to the ground, crying tremendously. Newt sank with me, still clutching onto my torso. All the Gladers still stood around the now closed Doors, trying to process what just happened. How could Thomas do that? Was that a wake-up call for him to play the hero and save the day? That was selfish. We've already lost Ben, and now, we were about to lose three more good people.

"No, Thomas, no," I sobbed into the ground, my tears watering the dirt.

After a few seconds, Newt's tight grip on me loosened, relaxing his muscles as I continued to sob over the situation. My senses picked up on the Gladers turning their attention to me now. Even when my nose was buried in the earth, I could tell they were looking at me with somber eyes. I wasn't the only one to lose a close friend. Especially Newt.

"Rosalee, he made his choice. There's nothing we can do about it," Newt spoke to me truthfully.

No, I thought. There's got to be another way. They couldn't just give up, they have to try.

"We have to look for them in the morning, then," I said.

The Gladers glanced at each other, then back to me with piercing eyes. Their faces had a hint of doubtfulness in them.

"That's not how it works, Greenie," Gally said in an apologetic tone.

I shook my head in disbelief. So, that's it? They were going to give up just like that? No words to influence them? I darted my eyes to the ones I was hoping would back me up, agree with my statement. I glanced at Winston, but he had his head down. Okay, Frypan. He looked like he was sorry, really, but the defining truth was more right than wrong. Chuck, maybe? Of course he was. I knew it in an instant. But he didn't say anything physically.

"You guys can't be serious," I said, exasperated.

"I'm afraid so," Gally replied.

"And besides, even if we did go out there, what are we going to find?" Newt asked.

He helped me stand up to my feet, but my knees were still in a state of jelly.

"Nobody survives the night in the Maze, Rosalee. They're already dead."

I froze in place, letting those words echo in my mind. I instantly turned aggressive toward Newt like today.

"You're wrong!" I shouted, pushing Newt off me and turning my body to yell at the gawking Gladers. "All of you!"

All the boys stiffened, not making a peep now from my sudden explosive temper.

"Think about it, there's three people in the Maze. They can work together, they might have a shot at it."

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