Chapter 14

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There was something different the morning I woke up. I felt calm and relaxed somehow. It confused me, but I didn't know why. Maybe it was the fact that we were going to leave the Glade very soon. It still couldn't sit with me, leaving the only place we've ever known. What were we going to face out there after we escape? What was outside beyond those mossy walls? It sent chills down my spine, thinking we were going into the unknown. But I sure as hell didn't want to spend the rest of my life trapped in a Maze than going out there.

Then, it hit me. The nightmares. I didn't have a single one last night. I mean, I didn't have one when I was waiting up all night after Thomas ran into the Maze. But still, I hadn't dreamt about Thomas or the girl, which I realized was Teresa. There were no flashes of the people, no voice repeating W.I.C.K.E.D. is good, nothing. I actually got a full eight hours of sleep. Was that everything I could remember? Were those the only memories I knew before they were wiped clean by those people?

I suddenly felt someone shifting behind me. It scared me a little and was about to let out a yelp when I realized it was only Newt. I had completely forgotten I cuddled with him last night. He was there, right beside me, still having his strong arms protectively holding me. That warm feeling overwhelmed me, coursing through my veins like before. I also forgot we both shared our first kiss yesterday in the Deadheads. I thought I was dreaming, but thank heavens it was a dream come true.

He knew I was awake, so he brought me closer to him, tightening his arms slightly. I ran my hands over his forearms, feeling the veins popping out of his smooth skin. I felt him shudder beneath my gentle touch. I slowly ran my fingertips down until they were over his hands. He grabbed those and held them. Newt swept my hair out of the way, placing his lips below my earlobe. I let out a sigh, letting a smile creep onto my lips. Hearing me letting out that noise, Newt kissed deeper, hitting a sensitive nerve.

As much as I liked being here with him, we heard the Doors to the Maze opening. I opened my eyes, remembering Thomas and Minho were going to explore the Maze. Thomas was a new Runner, he was going to help Minho find a way out.

I sighed, sitting up to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Newt sat up shortly after, not saying a word. I stared out blankly, my stomach churning from being nervous. This wasn't going to be a normal day at all.

"Thomas and Minho are going to look closely for an escape," I pointed out.

"I know," Newt said. "But we need to go on. At least, until they both come back."

I felt like I wanted to cry, but there were no tears to accompany it. Taking notice of my behavior, Newt put his warm hand on my shoulder to gently rub it.

"Hey, this is a good thing. You said it yourself, it's time we're finally getting out of here. We just have to keep holding on until this is all over."

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