Chapter 3

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I sat in the grassy part of the Glade while watching the boys throwing torches into the huge pile of sticks and straws bundled into a tepee. It lit up instantly, casting a golden glow around the atmosphere. I smiled a little to myself, seeing such beauty and fun fill the silence. The boys screamed and cheered into the night as if it were our last night on earth. I didn't understand how they could still have a fun time when we were surrounded by huge walls, trapped like we were some animals. At that moment, I didn't want to be here, no matter how much room there was. I still felt like I was trapped. Soon, my thoughts were interrupted when Newt came over to sit down by me. He was carrying a jar with a strange liquid in it.

"Having fun?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes up to the sky to think about it.

"I don't know. I guess I am," I shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow, confused. But he soon changed it to a smile.

"I think this might help," Newt said.

He handed me the jar and I took it. But I didn't put my lips to it. I glanced at Newt, who was still smiling at me. He nodded as if I was waiting for his approval to drink. I raised my eyebrows, then raised it to my lips and let the liquid fall into my mouth. I instantly spit it out though because the taste was strong, but mostly disgusting. Newt laughed at my reaction.

"What the hell is this?" I asked him while still coughing up the after-taste.

"Gally's secret recipe," Newt replied with his wide smile. "He puts ingredients in it that make it taste awful at first, but then good when you're used to it." He drank the second jar like he had done it before. I think he has.

I spit in the grass before saying, "Well, I don't know if I should believe that."

I left the jar next to me while I tried getting that awful taste out of my mouth, making weird faces. For the rest of the evening, everyone danced, laughed; they even gathered around for a little brawl. I was introduced to some other Gladers that I haven't met yet: Zart, Keeper of the Gardeners; Winston, Keeper of the Slicers; Jeff, Clint, both Med-jacks and much more. I spent most of the time with Newt, Minho and Thomas. We talked about random stuff and how things have been working in the Glade since everyone arrived. I really liked Minho's personality, he was the funniest guy in the Glade to make me laugh. I found out he is Keeper of the Runners; whatever that meant. Keeper. Thomas seemed to be having a good time. He probably just needed to loosen up a bit. I actually started feeling more like a Glader than the new Greenie, and I started having fun.

As time went on, I started feeling tired. I was sitting by Newt in the sand when I unknowingly rested my head on his shoulder. It felt warm and comfy, and I didn't want to leave it. Newt glanced at me, making me notice what I did. I widened my eyes and instantly lifted my head.

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