Chapter 6

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Night after night, I've constantly been having dreams about Thomas and the mystery girl. I would wake up either panting or sweating like I had just had a nightmare. A repeating nightmare. I had only been in the Glade for up to two weeks and I haven't told anybody about what was going on with me. The boys noticed that my behavior has changed, but not by a lot. They would assume it was normal though, considering that I was a girl and we are definitely complicated.

I haven't told Thomas, Alby or even Newt yet. I was afraid of how they were going to react, or if they were going to tell the other Gladers and embarrass me. I just kept to myself, I didn't want to be drawing attention and make a big fuss about it. Even if I did tell anyone, would they help me? Or will they just laugh and assume I can figure it out on my own? On top of that, they were boys and I didn't think they would understand.

I had woken up that morning feeling a little paranoid. I had the same dream about the girl and Thomas, but this time, I saw Ben there. He was submerged underwater like I have, but I was standing there, doing nothing. I wished that I could've helped him, even if it was a dream. I rolled out of bed and got dressed in the same clothes I wore everyday. I went out of the Homestead to get going on my job, hoping that it'll take my mind off of things. But it was pretty early in the morning because the Doors haven't opened yet. I saw Minho and another Runner walking towards the doors though, so the Doors were going to start opening at any moment.

The low rumbling noise confirmed it and they set off. Meanwhile, I headed towards the gardens to pick out new carrots. Again, I wanted to take things off my mind, it was terrifying to think about. The way that Ben looked at me in my dream, the way he screamed underwater, it made my heart break. The question was why? Why didn't I try to save him? Why did I just stand there, doing nothing to save him? Was that the reason why Ben told me it was my fault?

"Pretty early to be gardening," Newt's voice said in the distance.

I glanced up to meet the second-in-command limping towards me, always having that same smile on his face.

"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do, anyway," I replied, then fixed my speech to rephrase it. "Well, I never have had anything else to do."

He chuckled. Newt picked up an empty bucket and handed it to me to put the carrots in. He then took another empty bucket and flipped it over and used it as a seat. Newt sat down, then just watched. He didn't say anything else, he only watched. I would've found that creepy, but it wasn't with him. Newt didn't watch me like I was hot, or with lust, it was a simple stare that actually made me smile.

"Are you going to sit there and watch me garden?" I asked teasingly.

"I'm sorry, I-" Newt tried saying, but I just smiled at him.

"There's nothing wrong with it, really."

"I just think you look good while doing your job."

I almost dropped the bucket of carrots. Really? He, out of all the Gladers thought I looked good while trying to garden? I snorted out loud to his comment.

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