Chapter 15

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{ I dunno if I've mentioned this before but the douche who f*cked up Alex's life is called Caleb }


"So the scythe just..appeared?"

"Yup," I sighed; taking another draw of the cigarrette. Hunter had come round for no reason at all. He seemed edgy, so I guess he was feeling shit, and just being social to distract himself from doing something stupid. He was a lot like Alex in that way, but then Alex never distracted himself. If he felt shit then he'd sit there and feel shit. 

"Why do you even have a scythe? Doesn't it fuck with Alex?" He wondered, leaning back with a confused expression. That was normal though, Hunter always looked confused.

"He was the one that got know, when he-"

"Cut it open, yeah. You alright about that?"

I chuckled. "Am I alright about my brother cutting his scar open? No. Of course not. But it's healing, and I'll make sure he doesn't hurt himself," I promised. "Hunter, no offense but how come every time we're alone, you talk about Alex like you feel sorry for him? You went through worse. He doesn't need your pity,"

"I'm not giving him pity," Hunter murmured. "I'm just asking,"

"Ok, well how about I have a go. Hunter, did you enjoy being raped?"

Then I was up against the wall. Hunter had me up against the wall with his arm under my throat. He was an inch taller than me, so he glared down into my eyes. 

"Oh. Hit a nerve, did I? Stop doing the same with my brother then,"

"Your brother was raped," he hissed. "And you can take the piss out of things like that? You're disgusting,"

"Did he make you scream?"

I cried out in pain when Hunter punched me in the stomach. I coughed a little, flippng my head up and smiling. He could hit me all he liked, I could be verbally worse than any of his physical. And maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't pushed me this far, he wouldn't have this to cry about later.

"Why don't you ask Alex that?"

"Don't bring him into this," I snarled.

Looking into my eyes, Hunter laughed. "You're pathetic. Making jokes about rape? Making jokes about what happened to your brother? Mikey, if you're that insensitive about that kinda stuff, then maybe you're the one who'll do it next."


* Alex *

"Hey Hunter," I smiled when he walked past me in the street. He looked pissed off, so my smile immediatley faded. "You ok..?"

"You're brother's disgusting," he hissed. 

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean if you weren't his brother, he'd be taking the piss out of your past as well," he growled before storming away from me.

What the hell?


"What's up with Hunter?"

"You saw Hunter?" He asked, leaning back on the bed. I nodded and he sighed. "He wouldn't stop asking questions so I asked some of my own,"

"You hurt him,"

"Verbally," he explained. "He was the one throwing punches,"

"You were the one provoking him,"

"Why are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking his side," I mumbled. "Why are you so on edge today? You're being weird,"

Chelsea Smile (mature boyxboy twincest)Where stories live. Discover now