Chapter 15

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{ I found my file of my plans for this story and saw the best fooking idea ever. you guys are gonna love me soon }


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," Alex murmured. We were sat down at the kitchen table, sharing a bowl of cereal because I knew that Alex wouldn't finish a full one on his own. I wanted coco pops but he wanted the ones that looked like scooby snacks, so I let him. He was cute eating cereal. He was cuting doing anything.

"You sure?"

Looking up at me, Alex rolled his eyes. "Mikey, I'm fine."

I frowned, leaning back in my chair with my arms folded. Sure, he seemed ok. But the kid was great at pretending. Just 5 months ago, I thought he was doing great. Then he started getting really quiet, he started skipping class and the razors started dissappearing. That was the worst time, coming 2nd to when he was taken from me. Apart from being abducted, that was the worst Alex had ever been. 


{ Flashback }


I crept down the hallway. It was the middle of the night and I'd woken up with an empty space beside me. I'd been so close to handcuffing him to the bed because he'd been getting up every night, to go into the bathroom, to cut himself shitless and it was tearing us apart. It wasn't fair on me and it wasn't fair on him. 

"Alex?" I banged on the bathroom door a little, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake my parents. Not that they'd get up anyway. They didn't give a shit. 


"Open up,"

"This isn't funny,"

"I know you're in there,"

"Alex, you're scaring me,"

"Alex please?"

"Alex don't make me fucking cry,"


I was banging on it like fuck, holding back the tears in my eyes. I ended up on my freaking side on the floor, looking through the tiny gap to see a shaddow of a body. There were broken razors on the floor. There was..there was a fucking rough edged knife.


Yes. They came running to my voice. But I couldn't be more bothered about that because I just needed them to get the fucking door down. I needed to see Alex. I needed to hold him and let him know that I would always be there for him no matter what.

"What's going on?"

"Alex is in there and he wont open up," I whimpered. It was the first real time that I was on the urge of tears apart from when he was kidnapped. I was clenching my fists, biting my lip, I was shitting it. I just needed to make sure that me brother was alright.

"Is it locked?"

"No shit," I hissed towards Dad.

"Knock it down," Mom said quietly. I knew she was really as scared as I was, but she wouldn't act on it. It hurt her too much.

Dad stood back, muscles flexing as he clenched his fists. Dad was strong as fuck, which was why I hated it when he was drunk because that strength was used to scare the hell out of everyone else in the house.

"Dad knock it down!"

And suddenly it was. As Dad's shoulder bashed into the door 3 times, it ripped off it's hinges and flew over to the side. I shoved past him, I didn't care. I just needed to see my brother. 

Chelsea Smile (mature boyxboy twincest)Where stories live. Discover now