Gang Au: Revenant x Reader

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You quietly sit in your chair as you wait for your professor to start class. It was mostly quiet, side from the few whispering voices.

"Did you see the news?"

"Yeah. Revenant."

Revenant. Probably the most dangerous member of the Apex Gang. Just his name brought you chills.

"Alright class, quiet down. We all saw the news, but that doesn't mean we'll cancel class."

The murder was right by your college. Some poor teacher messed with the wrong people and ended up killed by the gang's most dangerous member. You'd think they'd close down school for the day, but nooooo-they'd rather keep it open.

The sad fact is this didn't happen rarely. No, this was a common occurrence in you area. Especially around your college. There wasn't anything the police could really do. Last time they tried to stop the Apex gang they lost half their officers. 

So the Apex Gang tended to roam freely by your school. It was practically part of their stomping grounds. You'd see a few of their member sometimes, but you and all the other students made sure to avoid them. It was like an unspoken rule.

"Today we're going to talk about simulacrums. Now, a simulacrum is..."

You blocked out your professors words. You already knew what a simulacrum was.

Your class was a robotics class. One where you learn to build and fix robots of all kinds. Regular cleaning robots, MARVINS, even simulacrums. Though, you never had any real ones to operate on.

Near the end of class, your professor reminded you all of your big assignment for the next day.

"You are to build a MARVIN hand. This assignment is worth a chunk of your overall grade so I hope you've all studied. Your dismissed."

You leave class and begin your walk back to your dorm. It was dark out as you had this class late.

It wasn't a long way back to your dorm. Just a quick walk. You reach your dorm and open the door. You see your roommate sitting on her bed, typing away on her laptop.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Katie."

"You see the news?"

"Yeah. Another murder. Seems like there's one every week now."

"That's because there is, (Y/N)."

It was sadly true. It had become all to common. So common it had just become a part of your everyday life.

You made yourself some dinner before crashing on your bed. You were to tired to do any extra studying. You were one if the top students in your class, so you weren't to worried about the test.

The next morning you walked to the local coffee shop. You walk in expecting to be greeted by the same plucky employees. Instead, they all look shaken.

"Good morning." You say.


"Can I get a (Insert your favorite coffee here)?"

"Coming up."

The employee turns away to make your drink when the manager of the coffee shop walk out of his office.

The manager of the coffee shop was well know among the students. That's where he got most of his revenue after all. He was nice enough and didn't seem like one to cause trouble.

The manager looks shaken as well. He rubs sweat of his face as he turns back to face his office.

A woman walks out. One you instantly recognize.

Apex Legends x Reader [Oneshots] (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now