Crypto x Reader

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You ducked behind a wall as you listened for enemies. Your EVA-8 clutched in your sweaty palms. It was hot and dusty out in the arena. That was just another hurdle of the games. Adapting to your environment.

You see your other teammate Crypto's drove flying above you. He and you were the last standing along with one other enemy squad.

You liked Crypto, but you never spoke to him. The only time you ever talked were times like this.

"All clear." Crypto says.

You relax and release your held breath. Times like this where you and Crypto were in the same squad were fun, but they were stressful as well. It was a shame this was the only time you two ever spoke.

"We should revive Caustic." You say.

"Agreed, but let me go. We can't risk both of us being taken out while waiting. Here."

Crypto throws you a Longbow and some ammo for it.

"Setup over there," he points to the top of the building," Stay low and stay sharp."

"Got it, Crypto." You tow go your separate ways and prepare yourselves for a fight. Once the enemy squad sees you've revived an enemy, it'll be game on.

Through the scope you see Crypto take your teammates banner to the respawn beacon and the small dropship on its way. Immediately you see the last enemy squad headed towards Crypto.

If there was one way you and Crypto did communicate, it was in battle.

You fire a shot behind the enemy squad to distract them while Crypto hit behind a large rock. Hack, Crypto's drone appears and uses its EMP to disable your enemies.

Caustic lands and throws his gas canisters around the enemy team. As they detonate, you and crypto finish them off with a few shots to the head.

And just like that, you all won.

Your all congratulated as you arrive back on the dropship and your all escorted to give autographs to fans.

Crypto wasn't one for autographs much, but you were able to convince him this time.

"Fine," he said," Just this once."

As your signing you notice Crypto become increasingly frustrated. Luckily autographs didn't last much longer and your were all on your way back to the dropship to be taken home.

Later on your at Mirage's bar with a few of the other legends. Mirage always let you in after hours. He goes on and on about himself, sure, but hey, it was a way to get out without being bombarded by fans.

Crypto was there too. Sitting in the corner on his tablet. Not even having a drink. Mabey it was Mirage's antics, but he seemed upset about something. So, you go over to his lonely table and see if you can't help. Besides, even if you never would confess your feelings to Crypto, you would at least showed you cared by helping out when needed.


Crypto flinches before seeming to calm when seeing it was only you.


"May I sit?" You ask.

"Sure." He says in his normal monotone way.

You sit down next to him and ponder on what to say next. Once you've found the right words, you speak.

"You okay? You've been much more sulk-y than usual."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it, its nothing you can help."

"And how would I know that if I don't know what the problem is?" You ask, a small smirk on your face.

Crypto huffs a laugh before sighing.

"The autograph signings. So many girls were asking me out. It was pretyy annoying."

"I see. So your not one to date, huh." You said, though it saddened you how impossible for you and Crypto to be together would be.

"I don't mind dates. It just the women didn't understand what they were talking about. They didn't even know me. Why ask someone out on a date if you don't know them?"

"I can agree with that." You say.

Crypto smiles a little.

"See, that's why I like your company as opposed to others."

"Really? Why?"

"Well for starters," Crypto points over to Mirage standing on the bar. He was singing a pirate shanty and stomping his feet about as Octane cheered him on. "There's that."

You giggle. "Yeah I suppose that can get frustrating after a while."

"Then there's the other thing." Crypto says.

"And what's that?"

"They aren't you, Y/N."

You almost choke on the drink you don't even have. "Me?" You say pointing at yourself.

"Yes, you."

"What's so special about me?" You ask. You heart fluttered a little, but you tried to keep yourself from freaking out to much.

"Well, your a good listener, you aren't annoying, your pretty." He whispered the last part to where you could hardly hear it. You heard it, but acted like you didn't.

"And I actually know you."

You smile as does he. You noticed the tiny blush on his face, but that didn't compare to yours.

You figured you'd play woth him a little and said sarcasticly," So you spy on me with Hack, do ya?"

"I-I never said that." Crypto blushed and looked away paniced.

You laugh and eventually he does too.

Perhaps you two being together wouldn't be an impossibility for long.


Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you to the support I'm getting on these little oneshots if mine. These are fun to write and I appreciate the votes. Again, thank you ❤


Mustache Crypto mustache crypto

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