Mirage x Reader

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You sighed in frustration as you tripped over your feet. You were currently in your room trying to dance. Dancing was a huge stress reviler for you. If you could get it right. You made up your own routines, and even though you never showed them to anybody, they were fulfilling and gave a great distraction from the stress of the Apex games.

Let's try that again.

You out your earbuds in and begin dancing again. This time you were determined to get it right.

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two-fuck!

You tripped and down you went. You barely stopped your face from slamming into the floor. You groaned and lay on the floor, waiting for the minor pain to subside.

Then you heard knocking at your door.

"Who is it?" You ask.

"Only the most handsome legend there is, hehe! O-Okay i-its me its Mirage." Mirage stutters on the other side of the door.

You sigh. "Come in."

You and Mirage were good friends. He was the first to greet you when you first arrived at the Apex games. He gave you a tour, showed you how everything worked, the whole shebang. You two became close during that time together and you, unsurprisingly, developed a little crush on him. You admit he's cute, but you didn't dare tell the other legends. You decided to keep your little crush  a secret from everyone because you were afraid of two things. One: rejection, and two: just flat out being made fun of. You may have a crush on Mirage, but you could admit he was clumsy and a little arrogant at times. But still, you loved him anyway.

Mirage looked at you on the floor and you stared back.

"You, uh, you okay there?"

"The floor is my home now."

Mirage lets out a puff of a laugh before holding out his arm. You take it and he pulls you back up off the floor.

Mirage knew of your dancing hobby, and was one hundred percent supportive. Though he was sad you never showed him you routines.

"Dancing not working out today?"

"No," You huff. "I can't get this one part right." You toss you earphones onto your bed before sitting down on it yourself.

"Well, maybe I can help!"

"Eliot iv'e told you before, I don't-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know you don't like showing your dances to people, but I really wanna help. Please!" Mirage put his hand together in a prayer pose.

You sigh. You'd done this song and dance with him before. Figuratively, that is. You were just a little self conscious of your dancing skills, so you never showed anybody.

You look at the hopeful Mirage, still in his little prayer pose.

Maybe this could work out.

"Fine, but if you poke fun, your out." You say.

"YES!" Mirage celebrates.

For the next couple hours Mirage helped you learn you dance routine. You finally got it right after a while. You continued to show a few of your other routines to Mirage since he;d done so well in helping you. He was more than ecstatic to be granted such an honor. So ecstatic in fact, he wanted to learn to do it for himself!

That lead to you teaching Mirage how to shuffle dance. It was relatively easy as long as you knew how to land on your feet correctly. 

You watched Mirage shuffle about to the beat of some of his favorite songs while, of course, being his cocky self at the same time. Making kissy faces in the mirror. Hyping himself up, the works. You always found this entertaining to watch. Probably one of the first thing that attracted you to him.

After hours of hanging out and dancing, you two were tired. It was getting late and Mirage was just about to leave.

Before he walked out the door, though, he stopped then turned around.

"Actually, um, (Y/N). Do you mind if we do one more dance?" He asks, kinda nervously.

"Sure. What song do you want?"

Mirage pulls out his phone and begins scrolling through his playlist. You watch as he seem to struggle looking for the right song, as if at any moment you'd change your mind about dancing again.

Mirage places the phone down as a slow song starts to play.

"I was thinking of a slow dance." Mirage smiles nervously.

You don't react at first as you were still trying to process what was happening. Mirage almost turned off the slow song before you grabbed his arm.

You wrapped your arms around each other and begins swaying to the music. You smiled at each other as blushes formed on both your faces.

"So how long?" You ask.

"About as soon as you first arrived." Mirage chuckled. 

You lay your head on Mirage's chest and he places his head on yours.

You two stayed like that well into he night. Happily enjoying each others company.

You'll have to invite Mirage to dance more often.



Hope you liked this oneshot! It's a little shorter than my other ones, but I like how it came out!

Me and my friends were playing Apex and I (somehow) came in clutch with my Triple Take (Best sniper don't @ me) and took out the last two enemies in the middle of a war zone between the last three teems. I was playing as Mirage during this and that's when I started writing this lol

See you in the next chapter!


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