Gang AU: Octane X Reader

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"You get me a good story, or you're out!" 

Your boss throws you out the door, slamming it behind you. You flinch at the loud noise and drop your notebook and pen. 

You sigh and pick up your utensils, wondering why you even worked for that asshole in the first place.

Oh, right. You're broke. You could hardly pay for your damn apartment.

Exiting the large building you worked in, you climb in your car and, after a few tries of turning the key, drive off.  You car was a hunk of junk you bought off some random guy about a year back. It was rusty, ugly, and generally not great to look at, but it did its job.

You're a reporter. Kind of. You haven't gotten a story since you applied for the job. That being why your boss threw you out a few minutes ago.

If your life were a documentary, this would be the part the beginning credits would pop up and introduce all who made the film possible. To bad nothing exiting happened in your life. Yes, you lived in one of the most dangerous of places due to the apex gang, but it wasn't like you could get a story on them.

You pull into your apartment complex and park your car. You stall getting out of your vehicle. You just didn't have the energy.

When you finally do get out of your car, you enter the building and take the elevator up to your floor. 

Turning the key to your apartment you pause when someone calls out to you. 


"Oh, hey Melody." You reply.

"How was work?"

"Shitty. My boss said if I don't get a good story for him he'll fire me."

"Damn. What are you gonna write about?"

You sigh. "I... I don't know."

Melody seems to think for a a moment. She worked at a café, but not just any café. This place was where the apex gang liked to met up behind. It would seem dangerous, but the gang never came into the café at all. Nor did they try and harm anyone in it. It was like some strange no violence spot for them.

"Okay, I think I know a good story for you." Melody says.

You perk up. "Really! Well go ahead, spill!" You say excitedly.

Melody leans in a whispers," While I was in the back washing dishes I overheard Octane say where he was going on his next drug deal. I bet you could follow him."



"I cannot believe I'm doing this." You look down at the address that Melody wrote down for you. Then you look down the massive alleyway in front of you. You shutter before taking a few steps in.

With your camera and notebook in your bag, you walk into the alley. Soon enough, you start to hear chatter. You duck behind a garbage bin and take out your camera.

"Alrighty boys, pay up and you'll get what you came for." a voice says as you peek out from behind the bin.

You see the infamous Octane standing in the back of a truck with a bunch of other men seemingly waiting to get their fix.

You figured it was the perfect time for a picture. You take your camera and frame Octane and the other men in the lens. Then...


You forget to turn off the flash.

Your eyes go wide as Octane and the other men's faces all turn towards you. You don't even take the time to put your camera back in your bag. You drop it and start sprinting down the alley. The men quickly give chase.

You don't even keep track of where your running. You just made sure to take as many twists and turns as possible. Your lungs burn and fear is coursing through your veins.

Then you run into a dead end.

"Shit, shit, shit." You say in between breaths and looking for an escape. You go to turn around, but the group of men come into view and you stop. Your now trapped in between the wall and the men.

You back up until your back hits the wall. The group of men closing in on you.

This is it. I'm done for.

You hear a whistle and the group of men turn their heads. You can just barely see behind them.

"It's okay fellas. I'll deal with the girl." You hear the voice of Octane say.

The group of men take one more dirty look at you before walking off. They walk past Octane and out of the alley.

Once the group is gone Octane turns his attention to you. He walks up to you, holding something behind his back. You brace yourself for whatever's about to happen next.

"Oi, Chica, this yours?" Octane says holding out something. It was your camera.

"Y-yeah." You stutter.

Octane shoves the camera in your hands. You fumble with it for a second before returning your focus back to him.

"What are you doing out here, huh?"

"Uh..." You could hardly speak. This was literally one of the most dangerous people in town and he was talking to you. What were you even supposed to do? "Trying to get a-a story."

"Your a reporter?" Octane asks.

"Barely. I-I'm new."

"Ah, a rookie. Well, I'm Octane." Octane holds his hand out for you to shake.

This was all so confusing.

You shake his hand. "I'm (Y/N)."

Before you can let go of his hand, Octane pulls you in closer to him.

"How'd you find us anyway?" He asked. It sounded more like a demand.

"My friend overheard someone talking about meeting up here."

Octane seemed to find that an acceptable answer because he let you go.

"I'll make sure mi amigos are more careful next time. Don't need any more sleazy reporters sneaking around our business. C'mon, I'll show you the way out."

It was strange. The media always depicted Octane as impulsive and hyper. Right now he just seemed annoyed.

You begin to follow Octane out of the maze of alleyways. You were skeptical to say the least. This guy was supposed to be one of the most dangerous people in the world, and yet, he was being so tame.

Eventually, you and Octane reach the exit to eh alleyways. 

"Here you are. Now," Octane suddenly boops your nose," Good luck with your escape story. Just don't tell them how I helped you out, okay?"

"Alright." You reply.

And that was that. You wrote your story within a day and brought it to your publisher. He loved it and was impressed with how you had survived such an ordeal.

Meanwhile at the Apex Gang's base, Octane was reading over your story.

"Why'd you help that girl, Octane?" Lifeline asked.

"Eh, she wasn't worth killing. Besides, she was cute."

Lifeline rolls her eyes and Octane chuckles.

Perhaps he'd see you again one day.


Sorry this sucks, I've had it in my drafts for months and I wanted to get it done so I could focus on my other ideas. I may make a part 2 to it eventually.

Hope you enjoyed!


Apex Legends x Reader [Oneshots] (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now