Gang AU: Bloodhound x Reader

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You glace at the clock before shutting the door to your house. 8:25. Plenty of time to get to work. You take on last glace at your home before starting your trek to work. You didn't have a car, so you made sure to get a job that was a short walk away.

You worked at a diner. You liked the job enough, and you made OK money. The customers got annoying sometimes though.

Around 8:50 you walked into the diner and made your way into the back to change. Whilst there you ran into your friend and coworker.

"Hey, (Y/N). Good morning."

"Good morning, (F/N)."

"You see the news last night?" (F/N) asks.


The two of you changed in silence. The Apex gang had grown more aggressive in previous months. They seemed to have a problem with everyone nowadays.

Nothing particularly eventful happened during your shift. You and (F/N) worked hard until it was time to go home. Cleaning tables, serving food, and taking orders, when it was finally time to go home. You and your friend quickly changed and walked out of the diner together.

It was 5:00 now and it start getting dark soon. Stupid winter months.

You walked over to your friend's car. She gets in and starts it up.

"You sure you don't want me to give you a ride?" (F/N) asks.

"No. I can walk." You replied.

Your friend sighs, worry in her eyes.

"Look, I promise I'll be careful."

"You'd better be." (F/N) then drives off.

Just as you were about start your walk home, your boss, Darrel, calls out to you.


"Yes, boss?"

Darrel looked a bit flustered. Maybe he was just tired. He did own the diner and had to do a lot of work, so him being overwhelmed was sure to happen. At least he made good money.

"I need to speak with you. Could you come back after the diner closes?"

After the diner closes? Why so late?

It wasn't like you could refuse. He was you boss after all.

"Yeah, I can come back."

"Great, see you then."

Once home, you started speculating about what you boss wanted. Were you going to be fired? No. He would have just said so then and there right? Maybe a raise? Possibly, but unlikely. What the hell did he want?

Around 10:00 you walked back to the diner. It was pitch black outside except for the stars in the sky and the streetlights lighting up the sidewalks. You held pepper spray in you pocket just in case anyone wanted to try to mug you.

You see the now closed diner and walk up to the doors. Nobody was in sight. The parking lot was empty expect for Darrel's car and a single crow. 

The doors were still unlocked. Strange. Darrel always made sure to lock the doors as soon as it hit ten. 

Even so, you opened the door and made your way to the main back of the diner where you see the door to your boss's office. You didn't see your boss at his desk which you could clearly see through the circular window on the door.

Just as you were about to knock you heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Crypto warned you."

You paused. You peeked through the window and looked more to the side.

Apex Legends x Reader [Oneshots] (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now