Bloodhound x Reader

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Ah, Mirage's bar. A peaceful place where the legends come for drinks and a nice chat.

Haha, yeah right. Tell that to the dancing Mirage on the bartop.

"Let's mcfreaking loose it! Get outta your mind!"

Yeah you never should have introduced him to Vine.

Anyways you decided to stay sober so you could help everybody get back to their dorms later. You also wanted to make sure nobody got hurt or started a fight.

You were on your phone as you had nothing else to do. The other legends weren't paying you much mind anyways.

You hear distant flapping but pay it no mind until it got closer. Suddenly a pair of tiny bird feet come into your view and you look up from your phone.

Arthur, Bloodhound's bird.

"Sup'." You say to the raven.

"Caw." It replies. It jumps around your table. It looks up at you and just stares. You stare back, accepting the bird's starring contest. Eventually, Arthur blinks.

"Ha! I win!"

Arthur squawks and backs up as if surprised he'd lost.

"You have quite the personality, don't you?" You pet Arthur.

You here footsteps approaching and a voice sounds out.

"He likes you."

You look up to see Bloodhound approaching you.

"Really? I figured it was because I was the only one sober." You and Bloodhound chuckle.

"May I sit?" He asks.

"Sure." You scoot over to make room for Bloodhound as he sits down. "So what are you doing here. I didn't think you were one to-"

The sound of sudden glass breaking fills your ears. You shoot your head over to see Octane and Mirage arguing. You sigh and tell Bloodhound to give you one moment.

You walk over to the scene and step in between the two troublemakers. They immediately stop their arguing and stare at you. The other legends watch on, waiting to see just what you'll do.

"Octane, Mirage, you two no better than this. Put down your drinks and ill take you both back to the dorms for tonight."

"But-" Mirage tries to argue, as does Octane, but you shush them.

"Don't argue with me. C'mon, let's go."

The two drunks would behind you, sometimes almost falling as you make your way out of the bar.

You notice Bloodhound following you on you way out.

"What are you doing, Bloodhound?" You ask.

"Helping you. Its a lengthy walk to the dorms. There's no need for you to drag these two back by yourself. I will assist you."

"Oh. Okay! Forward March then!"

Mirage falls to the ground.

You sigh.

Bloodhound sighs.

Octane burps.

This'll be a long walk.

You both ended up carrying the two drunken legends all the way back to the dorms. It would be an understatement to say the two of you were exhausted.

You both took Mirage and Octane to their respective dorms and met in the living room where you both sat on the couch.

"I don't know about you, but I ain't going back for the rest of 'em." You say.

"Agreed." Bloodhound replies.

Bloodhound seemed in better shape than you were. The fact was proven when you began to close your eyes. You fought to keep them open but before you knew it you'd fallen asleep on Bloodhound's shoulder.

Bloodhound, now aware of the pressure on his shoulder, turned o see you sound asleep.

He stared at you. Your resting face as beautiful as he'd always seen it. He'd had an eye for you ever since you joined the games, but never tried anything. He figured he'd come off as rude somehow. Tonight, though, he thought he'd at least make pleasant conversation. He was angered by the interruption Mirage an Octane had caused between the two of you, so he made sure to help you out on the way back to the dorms. That wasn't the only reason he;d helped, though. He did really want to help you, he was just upset you two were interrupted mid conversation.

He slowly got up from the couch, making sure not to wake you. He then picked you up bridal style and began to take you to your dorm.

As he lay you down in your bed, he took on last look at your face. He stroked your cheek and sighed. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but he was unsure of how to do so. 

He turned to walk out of your room. He didn't want to rick waking you up any longer. He stopped in the doorway. 

Perhaps he'd tell you. Some day.


Updating this to say sorry for not using they/them pronouns for Bloodhound! It completely slipped my mind at the time of writing this, so sorry!

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