~Chapter 13~

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Here is an update!!

" But how are we going to do it??" Jack asked for the 35th time

" We're planning!!!" We all shouted for the 35th time

" Ok ok.... I was just saying" he raised his hands in surrender and we glared at him.

" But who are we gonna murder" Jack asked

" Can you please not use the word murder" Catherine said, she was also very stressed.

" So who is going to be the victim of our illegal body experiment" Jack said making an fake excited face.

" How about morgue??" I suggested

" Hmm...maybe, but then how are we going to take the body from there?" Tristan stated

" I don't care, it's still better than killing" Kartik said

" Ok. There's a morgue nearby, Jack and me will get the body, that's our responsibility, you people should get the weapons ready" Tristan said

" WOAH WOAH when did I agree to be your partner in body stealing, and let me remind you it's illegal" everybody turned a deaf ear to his nonsense while Tristan dragged him out.

" Wait, what weapons??" Catherine shouted after Tristan, but he didn't listen and walked out.

" The nerve of this boy..uurrgghh" she stomped her feet like a 5 year old and went upstairs.

Kartik and I were left alone, which was very awkward, like very very awkward.

" So what do we have to do?" I asked while looking at the artificial plant kept nearby, it's so fascinating right now.

" We should prepare a table for the body , I think ?" He was also confused as hell.

" Yup, let's go to the basement" I said and we went to the basement.

I don't like going to his basement because of what happened last time, Kartik might have sensed my uneasiness, he gently took my hand in his and guided me through the corridor down the basement. In other times I would have totally freaked out or maybe fainted even but right now the situation is different.

" There's a table here, I'll shift it in the centre a little" he said and I nodded.

He successfully shifted the table, then we went to the kitchen to get knives, scissors, gloves and even masks

" That's a lot of preparation for a dead body" I said while looking at the things we have kept in the trays.

" Right" he agreed.

" Let's go upstairs" I said and he followed me to the guestroom.

I settled on the bed and he sat at the edge.

" You know, you have your own room" I said while keeping a straight face.

I don't know what went in his devilish brain, he removed his shoes and crawled towards me, while I backed against the wall made of cushions.

" What are you doing Kartik?" I whispered, I think, he was so close to me that I can't even think and speak properly.

He smirked, and his face was close to my face, " this is my house, I can stay wherever I want" he whispered in my ear, which sent tingles to my body.

" O..okay" I somehow said that.

Then we heard a loud bang, we both looked surprised and rushed out of the room to see what is it.

In the middle of the hall there was Natalie standing with lots of people. Kartik slowly went downstairs while I decided to stay back.

" What are you doing here?" He asked

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" No sooner did Natalie said it, lots of streamers blew and a party music started.

" What is this Natalie??" Kartik was now getting irritated.

" Oh, it's your birthday baby, how can we not celebrate it, let's party guys!!!" She shouted the last part.

And after that drums of beers were brought in, and boxes of all types of junk foods were arranged quickly and the music was turned to the maximum volume.

A party and a dead body on its way, what is going to happen??

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I'm feeling better today, thanks for all the wishes 😁!


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