~Chapter 4~

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Naira's POV

We all laughed at Jack's dramatic introduction.

" Don't mind him , he's always like that" Tristan said while rolling his eyes.

I just nodded and then we went our separate ways.

Catherine and me were going together to the library as we have a free period.

" So when did you get the message?" I asked her

She stiffened a little bit

" During the start of the break , Tristan was my brother's friend , so one day Tristan's family came for dinner and that is when I told him about the message and then I got to know about the others also" she said looking at the floor

I knew that Catherine and Tristan's family were good friends and they used to have dinner together sometime or the other .

" Oh ok , but where is your brother these days , he didn't came back for the break?" I asked

" No he didn't , he called and said that he's attending some extra classes for credits" she said

" Do you know who is sending us these messages" I asked

" Maybe the people that are outside , I don't know" she said

" But if those people has kept us here by doing something to us , then why would they wanna help us now , and that too specific ones?" I asked

She looked at me with curious eyes but then looked down again.

Next Day

We were right now in the cafeteria enjoying our break , Catherine and me were busy chatting with eachother and suddenly these boys showed up

" Hello ladies!! , Mind if we join you ?" Kartik asked in his irritating tone

I just rolled my eyes at him

" What shall we get for letting you idiots sit at our table" I asked

" Free food?" Jack said

" Hell yeah , you can sit here" Catherine said excitedly

I looked at her ,I wanted to torture Kartik a little more.

I began to eat my French fries when suddenly Kartik tried to take one fry from my plate , I slapped his hand away

" I. Don't. Share" I said

" C'mon we are giving you free food " he said

" I'm honoured" I said sarcastically

" So which one of you got the message and which one believed his friends" I asked looking at Tristan and Jack .

" I received the message , Jack just believed us" Tristan said

And then the next second the queen bee was on the lap of Kartik.

" Hey Kartik , did you miss me?" She said seductively

" Umm..no?" Kartik said unsure

" What! , Oh I know you missed me cupcake , my sweet sugarplum" she said

That is too sweet , I was about to gag at the site infront of me.

" Stop calling me that Natalie , I didn't miss you" Kartik said and shoved her softly off his lap

" But why , we were in love" Natalie said

Kartik looked at me with a look
' please save me' . Before I could even say anything , Natalie interrupted our intense eye lock

" Oh ! I see , you are now interested in Naira Wilson" she said and then stormed off , while going out she banged her knee on one of table and started screaming and crying like a maniac

" Oh my! My beautiful skin , there's a scratch , oh no!!!!!" And then she ran off

" You loved her...hahahaha , what a delicate drama queen she is" I started laughing

Kartik just rolled his eyes " it was just a summer fling" he said

" Ya , I can see how intense it was , I had the front seat of your private show" I started laughing again

" I like her already" Jack said while taking a bite from his burger.

Kartik suddenly glared at him

" As a friend" he added

I looked suspiciously between Kartik and Jack but said nothing.

Suddenly some boys rushed in the cafeteria and walked towards our table and grabbed Kartik by the collar.

" You made Natalie cry?" He asked

Great , that queen bee is really a  drama and his boyfriend too , are they stage actors? Never mind.

" And why do you think that?" Kartik said while smirking

" Oh ya? She told me that you insulted her" he said

" And you really believe that bitch? Huh?" I said in a mocking tone , god can't I keep my mouth shut.

He left Kartik and started walking towards me but before he could do anything , Kartik grabbed him by his shoulders

" You're fight is with me , don't include her" Kartik said

" You don't tell me what to do , parent less boy" he spat and jerked Kartik away.

I was numb , because I was never in such situations , I never liked attention and right now I was centre of attraction , everyone was looking at us. I was so absorbed in thinking that I didn't even realise when he threw a punch at me , I fell on the floor , the punch hurts.

Next thing I knew Kartik was sending continuos punches at him before Tristan and Jack literally dragged him away from the boy.

" You touch her and you deal with me!!" Kartik shouted

I was still in shock what is happening but then Catherine came and helped me sit up.

" Let me take a look" Catherine said

She looked at my face

" Nothing much , just a little bruise near your nose " she said.

" It will get fine" I said while trying to smile

" And who asked you to open your mouth" Kartik said in an angry tone.

I was shocked at his outburst

" Sorry for taking your side" I shouted and ran away while crying


I was sitting in my car right now , because Kartik would not let me go.

" I'm sorry Naira , I'm really sorry" he said again and again

" It's fine" I said plainly

" No it's not , I have lost everyone in my life , but you people are my friends , I can't lose you too" he said in a breaking tone

Then I remembered ' parent less'

" What happened to your parents?" I asked

And he looked at me shocked

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