~Chapter 9~

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Naira's POV

Tristan went and looked under the table , but there was no one.

" I swear she was there" I said pointing my trembling finger towards the table.

Kartik wore his poker face as always, Jack just looked at the floor and Tristan was trying to wake up Catherine. We all forgot that we were in mid of an earthquake and inside a building. Suddenly the earth started shaking more violently than the last time, and the floor beneath us started cracking up.

" We have to go now, run!" Kartik shouted, and we all ran towards the exit door, but suddenly a huge chunk of wall fell and blocked the exit.

" Let's go to the ground floor" Jack suggested, we all nodded and went downstairs, but  all the exits were blocked by walls or fallen lockers or something.

" What shall we do?" I asked

" I don't know!" Kartik shouted at me, he was upset with me, I can clearly see in his eyes, but why?

Tristan made Catherine sit against a wall and started looking here and there, we all searched for some kind of exit, but they were all blocked.

" Umm...guys where is Catherine?" Tristan asked pointing to the place, where she was sitting. I went near the wall and saw a giant crack in there.

" I think, she fell from here" I whispered but it caught everyone's attention

" Into the basement?" Kartik asked and I nodded.

" As if I would believe you Naira" He taunted

" Then don't, I'm not asking you to, ok?" I shouted back.

" Ok guys, just don't fight right now" Jack tried to calm us down

" Jack don't interrupt us, we are here because she thought that she saw your sister" he pointed an accusing finger at me.

" SHUT UP!!" Tristan shouted

We all were silent at once, and looked at him.

" Good now I have you attention, we have to work together to get out of here, so first things first, we have to find Catherine and then we have to escape this building, till then I don't want any fights" he ordered in a stern tone.

Kartik just grunted, he was accusing me, why shall I have a hallucination of a person who I have never seen, I don't know why and he's accusing me, wait till we get out of here.

We all went to the basement and started searching for Catherine.

" Guys here" a faint voice echoed

We all rushed and saw Catherine sitting against a shelf

" Thank god you're alright" Tristan said and hugged her

" Ya I'm kind of peachy" she said and we all just smiled at her attempt to make things light.

"Did you call someone yet?" Catherine asked

" Didn't thought about it yet" Jack said

" But there's no signal" I said checking my phone

" Let's use the telephone in the principal's office" Tristan said

Jack nodded and we all rushed towards the office, in hurry, I twisted my ankle while ascending the stairs

" Ahh!" I groaned and tried to hold my leg.

They all stopped and looked at me

" Just go, I'll be ok" I said and they looked at eachother

" I said just go" I said again

" I'll stay back , you all go" Kartik said and they all went away except him, he rushed towards and picked me up in the bridal style.

" Put me down" I said annoyed

" Nope" he said simply

" Why are you helping me" I asked

" I'm not a monster Naira, we're still friends" he said and walked upstairs and sat me up against the wall, and then sat beside me waiting for the others

" Are we?" I asked quietly

" Friends fight Naira, that's what happened a few moments ago, it was the panic that took me over and I got angry at you" Kartik explained

He was not wrong even, we were all stuck and me admitting to that I have seen Jack's sister, who died a few years ago just made matters worse.

" I want to tell you something" I said

" Go on" he said looking at me intently

" I don't remember going to the basement of your house during the night Nestor was murdered, I just remember screaming and whatever happened after that" I said

Kartik's eyes widened when realisation hit him.


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