~Chapter 11~

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Hey guys, here is your update!

" The Bond of Formula Foundation, what the hell is this??" Jack read

" As if I know" Tristan said rolling his eyes

" C'mon Jack read what is in there" Kartik said

Jack nodded and started to read " I don't remember anything, I found myself serving to some people who can control me and then I saw in the screen that there was a duplicate of me working in the house, so I panicked and pressed some switches" 

" Controlling??" Catherine questioned

" I ran through the corridor to the door where the light was coming from, sunlight, they had locked me since they found I tried to 'destroy' their system, but somehow I broke out." Jack read further

We all had worried faces, because we didn't knew what was happening.

" I pushed the door,but it was locked, there was code for it, I don't know what came in my head, I just typed 'The Virtual World' and the door opened, I was met with sunlight and fresh breeze, but  suddenly someone said on a mic, I suppose- ' Doctor, you just did the worst thing' , and when I asked what was happening, the voice said- ' Oh! Don't you remember, you created this hell' and he laughed evily and I was struck with something" Jack read

" This is so messed up" Tristan said

" Guys there's one more entry- I wrote all this whenever I dreamt of it or remembered something, I can't remember the whole thing, I am writing this, so I can remember what had happened, last thing, everyone is fake, nothing is real, except the people below 19 years of age, I named the book , The Bond Of Formula Foundation because I saw it somewhere but I can't remember where" Jack read the last entry.

" So that mean we're real but our parents are fake" I said

" What are they then?" Tristan asked

" See if the real Nestor came here then he would have killed the fake Nestor, that body could be somewhere?" Kartik said

" No remember they wiped off his memory and left him here to rot" Jack said

" Then how shall we know what are those fake people?" Catherine asked

" We're gonna kill one of them" Tristan said and went out while we followed him trying to reason with him

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