~Chapter 10~

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Naira's POV

After calling, people somehow rescued us and sent us to our home.  It's been a few days since our school collapsed, the surprising thing is that our school was in ashes but the buildings near it were perfectly fine, as if there was no earthquake.

We all decided to meet at Kartik's house. I was walking to his house but then suddenly I started hearing a loud ringing sound, it was similar to that in my dream, I tried to follow it.

After turning a few turns here and there, I ended up in a dirty lane, there were 3 people standing surrounding a unconscious person. They were wearing all black protective vest and everything and had a gun in their hands. Their face was covered by a black helmet too.
Then one person came forward and took out a knife and stabbed the unconscious person many times without any mercy.

I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Then suddenly they vanished leaving the dead body behind. I ran away immediately with tears in my eyes. No sooner did I enter Kartik's house, everyone tried to calm me and ask me questions.

" What happened Naira?" Catherine asked

" I saw something" I said while trying to stop my tears

" What did you saw Naira?" Kartik asked grabbing me by my shoulders, so that I was facing him

" I know who stabbed Emily and Nestor" I said

Everyone looked shocked.

" What are you trying to say?" Tristan asked

" When I was coming here, I heard a very loud ringing sound, so I followed it. There were three people in protective gears and all with guns and wore black helmets. Then one person stabbed the unconscious person lying there and suddenly they vanished" I told them

" What do you mean by vanished?" Jack asked

" They just vanished like the snap of a  finger" I said

" This is ridiculous" Catherine said

" It was similar to one of my dreams or let's say more of a nightmare" I said

They all nodded , so I continued

" Guys I don't remember going in the basement during Nestor's death. But then I had a dream in which he spoke to me before dying, he said that 'they would kill everyone' " I said

" But you said it was similar to this experience" Tristan stated

" Unless it wasn't a dream, it was a memory" Jack said rubbing his chin

" Maybe" I said

" First we have to find out, who these people are and what they want from us" Catherine said

" We never go out from this town" Kartik said

" We never tried" Tristan said

" Fine we'll make a list of everything we're doing or we had already done, so that if these people try to play with our memory any more time, we would know" Jack said and we all nodded

First we wrote our names and everything.

" Let's start with Emily's death" Kartik said

" Stabbed, but people say suicide and everyone agrees" Tristan said

Catherine wrote down everything

" Don't forget her dreams too, I wonder if they are a memory too" Kartik said

" So Nestor?" I asked unsure

" We don't know anything, we just know that he was killed the same way as Emily" Tristan said

" How about we search through his things, he had a room here" Kartik said

" Guys you all go, I'm going to find a link between these murders" Jack said as he showed us the news of the recent 'suicide' , the person that I saw murdered

" I'll stay with you too" Catherine said

The rest of us went to his room and started searching, Kartik and Tristan ripped the mattress apart but nothing was found. I looked underneath the bed and saw a diary taped on the upper side of the bed.

Tristan ripped the tape and took out the diary. He flipped through the pages and we stood beside him concentrating on the pages.

Tristan read, " The Bond Of the Formula Foundation, BOFF"


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