26 - Forested Consultation

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"A-Ah-Aaahn~! Ahem - hem" The dirt crunched beneath our feet, small pebble-like grains no-doubt burying themselves into the undersides of my shoes. After Aevid snatched me by the wrist and used her wind magic to speed us off, Nihilla and Emirah had to struggle to catch up - their dust-clouded running ending in a complete loss of stamina. And yet still, Emirah had managed such a vivid yawn despite her puffed state. Trust her to do this much, I suppose.

In hearing this, the wind died down, settling to stagnant as Aevid slowed to a stop. "I suppose I should begin early, Devi. You seem tired, Devi" She paused with a grin, peeking over her shoulder to observe the puffing Emirah. "Could it be yesterday...? I wonder, Devi?"

"Ha! I'm always tired. Don't be so conceited" Emirah equaled her grin with a smile of her own, determination visibly flaring in her eyes. "Next time. I will get you for sure"

Aevid couldn't help but giggle.

"Ha! Huff! Heh! Ha! Phew!" Nihilla eased to a stop then, leaning forwards with her hands planted on her knees. "You are... way... too fast..." She swallowed. "Ha- Ha- Are you alright, Tetra? You're not hurt?"

Brushing myself down the front, layers of dust clouded the air. By using her wind magic, Aevid had extended each stride to whole meters rather than ruler-lengths, compressing air like cushions beneath each foot - converting her shoes into some child's dream moon boot. So while Emirah might be puffed, and Nihilla appeared drained, both Aevid and I remained pleasantly cool and energised. There was one thing though... One thing that happened on occasion that I didn't particularly appreciate.

Reaching around my back, I pulled on my skirt and shirt, then moved to do the same on the front. Aevid had made a shield before us with yet more of her wind, but slipstream clearly wasn't among her concerns.

"I'm a little embarrassed I think. But fine." I frowned. "If it happens again though, I'm evoking a three on one deathmatch" My eyes presented my flickering glow.

"Bah! Scary Teti!"

"Damn straight!" Emirah added with one final huff. "Wasn't it part of the deal to help us too? Huh? Can't do that if we can't keep up you know"

Twisting towards them, and with a forward lean, a finger lay at her lip where her tongue playfully protruded. "It's a big pond for such little fish, Devi. It's not my fault if you can't keep up" She ended with crossed arms, standing straight once more. "Hmph! This tadpole here could do it just fine yesterday. And in a moment's notice too, Devi. Besides-"

Bump! Bump!

"I'm doing this for Teti anyways. She won our fight, Devi" As she spoke, her elbow gently knocked me on the arm - only a minor inconvenience as I continued to dust. "I have things I need to know. So bear with it if you can, Devi. Else, there are benches and a toiletries nearby, Devi"

After a moment of back and forth glancing - tension palpable - Emirah's shoulders relaxed.

"Ahem" I coughed to get their attention, a small waterfall of dirt drifting from my slowly relaxing fist. "Well if you're going to start the lesson, start it already. What's holding us back?"

"Fire-what's-his-name sounds like an avid Aurous Theory man. Devi" She spoke with a turn, beckoning for us to follow. "Know much? Devi?"

What was once a run became a walk as we stepped down a side-path covered by bushes. Nihilla's concerned fingers gripped at my sleeve, making sure she wouldn't get lost. She did the same to Emirah, who slotted in behind.

"Well you're correct there. Aurous is essentially all he ever talks about" Emirah began before spluttering at the fern in her face. "Pfft! Peck! Don't worry though. Ha-hem. We each know at least standard knowledge. I made sure to show these two 'The Magic Circle' only days ago"

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