47 - Point Provisions

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Once dark and foreboding, the small space we now occupied flipped in mere moments - blackened shadowy contours blazing to glowing life as the open blinds permitted vast rays of unveiling sunshine.

A small hidden room the likes of which I'd never known - the slight expanse proved lavishly laden with expensive furniture, display cases and artworks of intricate craftsmanship. Covered speakers coupled with microphones and a digital stereo lay packed up on the short stage - which led to a balcony. Silver lined - and sporting a thick oily sheen - a fully stocked and ready bar filled the far corner, piled with drinks and glasses of all shapes and sizes. Above, dust-caked chandeliers hung from the rooftops, refracted light smiting the eyes of any who dared peer, whilst below the thinly laid carpet muffled steps - stretched out above perfectly set floorboards.

Finely crafted works but not a masterpiece in sight, the expertly planned space feels larger than it seems. As a PR representative for Draavia's up and coming, the use of this space could be appraised in an instant - a room for social gathering, for the purpose of hosting either one-off events or private upper-class meetups.

"Wow..." Nihilla couldn't resist an exclamation as her head pivoted in a single uninterrupted arc. Eyes wide with sparkling highlights, the rapid flickering of her pupils refused to neglect a single present detail. "This place is..."

"Boring" Porro muttered with a huff. Arms crossed, lips pouting, she squinted against the light of the chandeliers, trying her best to appeal to any who agree. Crimson eyes shooting from one person to another, her gaze eventually landed on me and my equalled plain look. The space is impressive... but I'm a frequent traveller to somewhere even greater.

Silhouetted against the newfound glare, the form of Era held the blind's cord with delicate gloved fingertips. Still hovering at her head, the alien nature of her unusual thorned crown offered little hint as to a secret utility. Unable to restrain myself, my observations would continue blankly for a long while, some drawing factor encapsulating my attention for brief periods at a time - an inflicted obsession. For a moment it glowed during her witnessed encounter...

Something about it feels strangely odd...

Gazing beyond the reflective glass screen, moments passed before Era's mirrored eyes stared directly into mine. A pang of unfamiliar effect burned within - a natural desire purely existent to cause concern. Akin to the feeling of being watched, or the feeling of impending dread, her brief reptilian glare informed the instinctual assumption of how closely I'm being monitored.

Flicking my eyes as if I hadn't seen, I instead focused on alternative features, such as Porro or the walls. Lips pressed with my forehead feeling damp, a slight shudder racked my shoulders as I refused to show my back. Somehow, I feel suppressed...

"At last, I can talk to you in person" Era began with a turn and a step. With precise placement of heel after toe, her confident stalking formed an arc - segmenting the space of the room as if it were territory. A slight smile coupled with an even slighter hum - her chin jerking lower as we locked eyes - an almost petrifying gaze despite the welcoming expression.

Offering no visual leeway to our potential oppressor, my head turned like a turret to track her motions exactly. The pupils of both Nihilla and myself locked onto her form with all the precision we could muster, as we shuffled together unknowingly.

Nihilla began to disappear.

Era's smile widened.

"Prying eyes and ears come especially undesirable as of late" she finished with a shine in her eye. "Renting this room is hardly cheap, but it's multifaceted purposes just so happen to coincide"

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