10 - Watchful Eye

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"Soo... Can't you just find where the camera is by reversing it's view of the room...?"

At this comment, I couldn't help but grind my teeth. He's been spouting these stupid suggestions like 'can't you just zap your room?' and 'why don't you just change rooms?' in an endless fountain of uselessness. My headache may have passed, but I'd apparently aquired a dispenser filled with more.

"As I have been saying, the thing is an enigma. Bothersome, stupid and utterly unfindable. Whatever you suggest, I've already done" I crossed my arms as we walked.


"And you're only here because I don't know what more to look for" I spun back at him, poking at the air between us. "If you can fix a camera, that's already leagues beyond me"

With a sharp turn, we entered the student residential halls - travelling down the main area until we stood at the very end on the girls' half of the space. Many corridors branched off from the main area - thin stretches of roughly twenty one rooms with ten on each side - plus one slightly larger one at the very end. One half of the main hall holds the girl's corridors, while the other holds the boys.

But as we traversed down this last corridor specifically, some key differences from most other areas became apparent. The last two rooms - one on either side, lay eerily unoccupied - doors open with no lights on. As we passed these two, idiot seemed to understand why. Both rooms were stocked full of metal plates and wiring - large batteries humming away with thick insulated cabling trailing off of them.

Wordlessly following along, Geralt slowed as we approached the last room.

At the end of the hall, our target awaits; a handle-less, thick metal slab, plastered with high voltage warnings and keep out signs. Wasting not a second more, Geralt offered a concerned frown. "I thought we were going to check out your room...?"

"Mmhm!" I hummed, rubbing my fingers together. Ever so slightly, they began to tingle and glow.

"To answer your unspoken questions, this 'lightning prodigy' business has some setbacks. Every hour or so at night, any extra generated static in my body is discharged all at once"

Confident of the feel - subtle sparks buzzing at my fingertips - I raised my hand to a specific point on the cold metal surface.

"My room is essentially an inverted Faraday cage. When I was younger, I would accidentally shock people in their sleep. This way, nobody gets harmed and I get to keep a lot more energy"

With a short zap from my palm, the deadbolt unlocked - the door swinging open loosely. Inside was like any other room in the citadel, though a bit larger.

They let me have the big one.

Stacks of books filled the shelving above my messily covered desk, my bed scrambled and unmade while my carpet had wrinkles beneath the table and stool legs. Of all the places I go in the day, this was the one location even my managers were banned from entering or cleaning.

I didn't want them here after the looks they gave me.

"So if it were anywhere, the camera would be on that bookshelf over there. But it isn't. So find it."

I smirked as he gulped, daintily stepping through the doorway with a look of concern plastered to his face. With a nod and a quick glance around, he silently proceeded to the desk.

"I suppose I should ask. What's the point of this threat? Do they want money...?"

With a huff, I flopped down on the mattress, the uneven blankets sinking in around me all nice and snug.

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