63 - Odd Tonic

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It should be noted that the Wattpad release of this chapter will remain a redirect message for some time. Lately I have become aware of reposting bots on other websites, scraping content specifically from Wattpad under the guise of "we provide paid novels for free". This is evidently a huge breach of trust, especially when said addresses pour advertising all over my hard work.

Chapter 63 - Odd Tonic can be read through an official source, as detailed below.

It makes me sad to have to clarify this, and I trust a majority of my readers already understand. But...

I would like to remind everyone that Tetra of The Fall is a free-to-view narrative written and edited by Stephen Munro (Serpinoid, Serpimations!). It is illegal to profit off of reposting a copywrited work without written consent from the original creator. Original works of gift or fan content in relation to the story and included content is a-ok! Just remember to link me when it's posted (and maybe your favourite chapter of Tetra of The Fall!)

My links are:
Serpinoid@DeviantArt.com - Read the official chapter here!
Serpimations!@Twitter.com - Get updates, announcements, and more!

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