2 - Nihilla's Panda

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Families; huge state-like establishments consisting of one family leader and their many sons and daughters, war and quarrel between one another, each pioneering research in their own fields.

 Each family leader, powerful and wise, command one of many magics: elements of creation that changed the progress of humanity, from democracies and continents, to families, allies and closed borders.

And each of these families has a goal, though some dare not pursue it, a few even working to prevent it: make their family leader a god, one to rule all of mankind, to command the universe through mere thought, and to crush their adversaries with naught but pure force of will.

But as with all weapons of dominance and war, there will surely come a day when one of these families takes it too far. And it is only then that humanity will face it's greatest threat: The Fall.

These are the very things nations allied with Draavia are here to prevent.

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"Ugh..." One eye opened, though through autonomy not command. I was in bed, it seemed, tucked in neatly with arms pinned to sides. My light - a glowing cylinder atop the bedside table - slowly died down towards it's base as the dawn began to break through my uncurtained window. My natural 'body clock' as it had been described, ticked the seconds away til the chaos of my everyday life.

For just this brief moment, all was instilled in this silent perfection, though the birds still chirped and wind still wisped.

First, I would exhale a short, warm breath. Like a cloud of smoke, it would drift weightlessly mid-air before simply fading to transparency. Knowing well today's result, my fingers fanned out beneath the blanket. With concentration at the max, a warm rush pushed through my shoulder blades from the spinal area - the wave tumbling down my arms and culminating in the wrists, the palms, down to my very fingertips - a mysterious force indeed. Eyes closed as I tried not to sleep once more, my focus drifted to these areas, focusing the energy to build force and a tad bit of heat. With a light grunt of effort, the blanket flew off, propelled upwards with a strong yet flickering pinkish aura.

"Yaaaaaahhhhhwwwwwwnnnnn~" Click! Click!

I'd stretch, the promise of being able to touch my toes whilst standing pinned to the back of my head like a sticky note. Then my mind would waver, as it does every morning, to the idea that stretching could make me taller too... There have been a number of times I was lost in a crowd... Then, I'd seek out the cure to my troubles, glancing over to where it always sat, waiting.


"Cute stuffed panda~!" An exaggerated grasp later, the plush squished at my chest as I began to furiously press myself against it - knees up and feet playfully kicking. "Yesh!..." Satisfaction quickly grew. "Real pandash are shcary with their big bad clawsh. But cute plush panda is cu-"

A jolt in surprise as an unfolding silhouette caught the corner of my eye.

She sat outside the window, fully dressed in her double-thick skirt with her blazer and shirt. Of course though, her hair was a pink frizzy mess. My head shook rapidly from side to side, then side again! I MUST HIDE IT! BURY THE TREASURE!

Tap Tap "Hai, can I come in?" Her head tilted with a thin, cute smile.

"Bwah!" The cloth panda began to wheeze as realisation led to a far-from-gentle compression.

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