22 - Versus Aevid [Part 1]

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"SHIT!" I yelled, head spinning as air forcibly punched from my lungs. For just a brief moment, I spun like a gyroscope - unable to see whilst falling to an unknowingly distant floor. In that brief moment before I hit the ground, I managed a full reinforcement - a difficult feat given my condition, but plausible nonetheless.


I landed on my side, no additional injury resulting. On impact it shattered like glass - fragments of solidified aura now crackling particulates which floated before dissolving completely. It could take hours of rest to get that much back.

I'm no Tepia, after all.

"She's down, Devi"

With a number of coughs, I steadily glanced upwards to the girl standing before me, her short white hair glimmering in the dimming sun - messy yet somehow in-style.

"A Ceres... Aevid I take it...? Ugh" I muttered, assembling my sensory scraps. Inside my head, my calming techniques began to fail - concentration leaching towards amassed injuries and the new adversary before me. As I scraped to my knees, a fresh wave of tingling made the side of my hip itch. Whatever injury I'd sustained is bleeding. And this pissed me off. Looking forward, I chose to target my rage, scanning her up and down by eye.

"Pink hair, strong reinforcement and she can take a hard hit! She's a strong Draav, Devi. So why is she chasing a manager? Devi" She spoke, bending low to match my head despite straight legs supporting her.

Her flexibility was matched by perceptively open clothing - a tight fitting, ornament covered top closely pressed to her form, fanning out at her open midsection, followed by an over-large belt at her waist, with shorts that strapped to her leggings front and back. Provocative, but not too open. So an agility fighter perhaps? Or even the sort to run away...? After all, it's not like she's armoured or wearing a uniform.

I struggled to stand, brushing myself off, then prepared my stance. "May I ask, what's with all the Devi crap?"

She grinned with a hum.

Her flawless pale skin strangely pissed me off. It's as if she's never been hit...

"She's still lively, Devi." She spoke, holding a hand delicately to her ear as she carefully began to step back. "He promised us points, not a fight, Devi"

"T-hen get h-er po-oints. Wh-ho care-es if yo-u fig-ht" The small device at her ear crackled, a few tiny sparks popping out its side. At those words, she offered a nod, followed by a light click! "Then so be it, Devi."

Carefully, her hand lowered from her ear, flicking a swathe of hair as it departed. My shoulders tensed as it dropped to her belt. Then she pulled-

"Ka-Pew~!" She popped with a toothy grin, pointing to me with finger guns.

I jumped, but little more. "Excuse me?"

She grinned, lowering her hand and popping her two-fingered salute into her belt. "Rank C. Emirah Draav. Both partner slots used and both accomplices female Draavians"

I blinked, eyebrows furrowed. Those sorts of details weren't exactly for public view. And even if we hadn't, I'm sure Tetra's analysis tool would have spotted Aevid's scouting. "Not sure how you know that... But I don't particularly care"

I paused, inhaling and exhaling carefully. A fresh wave of calm soon enveloped me. Hopefully she's a reasonable Ceres...

"I'll offer this one chance. I am a top three Draav, so believe me I can fight. Buuut I also need a break. This isn't exactly my first fight today..." She blinked twice, awaiting the remainder of my announcement. "I'm not sure what deal you made with that man, but I'm walking away. You have this one chance to leave me be."

I began to turn.

"Hmm. What else do I happen to know~ Every Draav has a plush they snuggle up to, right? That's so cuuute! ... I wonder how many points that'd be worth... Devi"

My eyes widened. "Are you... considering what I think you are...?"

The breeze washed by, the last few rays of sun bound to set at any moment, bringing us to a gentle dusk. For a time, there simply wasn't an answer.

"I suppose I could be, Devi. Truth is, I'll let you go for a hug of your plush. Devi"

I stopped, heart thumping rapidly in my chest. What remnants of energy began to flow, held closely in my fists and feet.


In a blink, I snapped back around and directly to a charge. Without the ability to use my guns, kicks and jabs would have to do for now. I had enough energy left for maybe one or two good blows. But nowhere near enough to withstand another explosion. If I used enough for that, I'd be putting myself at risk.

Closing in rapidly, I prepared my fist for a swing. Aiming at her arm, the intention was to get her back for the finger guns earlier.

But I wasn't nearly fast enough.

I helplessly watched as a purple blur shifted to the side, spinning elegantly out the way, even leaving a small afterimage. Behind me now, we both twirled to meet each other, though she was easily faster.

I stopped as best I could, now out of reach and off balance.

Her fingers raised from her side, aiming at my chest.

"Ka-Pew~!" She spat.

My breath caught, the tension in the air condensing thickly all around me. It swept past, pulling me gently towards the centre.

"Ah. Frick"



I blinked, a sudden darkness befalling me. After a few heavy coughs to clear the new dust out of my lungs, my saviour stepped back. And I couldn't help but smile.

"Take a rest, this is my fight too" A familiar voice commanded, glowing fists clenched at her sides.

"About time you quit moping around!" I poked out my tongue. "Do you know what those things can do?"

She sighed. "I have a list of ideas, so..."

It was finally time to take a break. Safe hands had it handled now.

"I'm going to try them all. And you!"

She pointed towards the untouched Aevid, who stood brushing dust off of her front.

"For hurting a friend, you're going to be my target practise" Tetra grinned.

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