59 - Battle Report

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Elasca Draav, an Eye-Witness Battle Report

Observed status: MIA until a body is found

Commissioned: Sct. Henry Draav (Provisional)

Due to the state of the reports filed, the Commission has deemed the status of Elite Vanguard: Elasca Draav as MIA. No further search is to be conducted for the purposes of verification. A copy of Prov. Sct. Henry Draav's evidence is to be contained in-place of a Commission verdict.

This document is a 'private release' as detailed in sec. 144-B. For a public transcript, a request may be filed to the Commission through any Draav Citadel.

Reign of Vienna, 2nd. March 27th

I found it intriguing when surely enough, the rumors about old Sgt. Lancaster Hesburn were proven most delightfully true. Of course, my evident displeasure upon meeting him at port must have left quite the sour impression, as for Hesburn's sake, the man might rather spend his time tinkering with people alike myself, than to pander to those already in favour of him. Admittedly, such unfair speculations did remain, that is until he pressed this blank journal to my breast, and with a pen in hand, remarked with a bellow:

"I've skimmed your record Henry, and I am aware of your tact. Despite this, the front remains new to you, and for that I might feel guilty. Consider it a form of reparation, then, that I place you not in Vanguard, but in Scouts, and you will see to it - I trust - to keep the homeland filled-in through this book of yours, no?" Trust the man to finish with a fresh dab of mustache wax, no less.

Thus here I am, resting at the stern of the would-be war-barge, appropriately named Her Lady's 'Settlement'. What we lack in firepower - as we might offer merely two main cannon - we make up for in speed and stealth. This fair lady is indeed the perfect vessel to land the vanguard on the shores of the equator continents, where I will see to my new post with a fresh breath of untainted air. Blessed be those who bottle some up for home.

Reign of Vienna, 2nd. March 28th

Midnight approaching the front, and already the cabin is stirring with the feverish pattering of boots on the ground. I must say, I felt quite the contempt toward the crimson red lights as they flashed me from my dreams, for if not for my cabin mates, I'd not have arisen to witness the chaos that lay abound. I am no longer of the Vanguard, just as Sgt. Lancaster had said. As my duty is to watch, then watch I will certainly do.

I made it to the deck, amongst many of the surveying team. Being a lighter, nimbler vessel, I imagined our altitude will have avoided any conflict, need it arise. Off the port side, twinkling lights catch the eye amongst the foggy distance.

A rare moment of clarity appears to have settled in, wherein the clouds have risen thickly overhead, revealing plainly our position, and Her Lady's largest vessels beneath our feet. I witness the most bizarre camouflage amidst moonlit-beams - the scrappy geometric scribblings of a child rendering Her Lady's fleet unintelligible even to her allies' gaze. Unmistakably however, a sight merely privy to those above, the silhouette of Her Lady's Befall offered, against the sparkling sea far below, an over-large shaft with compensator attached, the shape of which I can only imagine belongs to a railgun of sorts.

It goes without wondering that preparations are being made for conflict, a moment which I dread with utmost acuity. I have since pondered the surveying teams' equipment, perhaps as an additional distraction to my woes, and made it a point to inquire the team between task rotations. Upon further inquiry, this tripod and box they deploy is said to be a rangefinder of sorts. The intention, as far as I can discern, is to use multiple rangefinders dotted about each ship in order to locate the enemy vessel precisely, even if in the dim, and regardless of their own smartly applied camouflage. It reminds me of a similar system fabled to dwell in the highlands of Hestar, where two watchtowers report the bearing of a witnessed avalanche, fire, or indeed any other form of hazard, then with results in hand, they might perform trigonometry to pinpoint the exact location. Fascinating.

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