chapter 13

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it's short, I'm sorry🥺 but I'm quite busy at the moment, but I wanted to update a little. thank you for reading! enjoy <3
much love,
anonymous 💜

460 words
monday rolled around, time to go back to hell. I got up to get ready and eat then headed to school with my sister in the car. "dude, what if cynthias going to come up to me today and start talking about our brother" I said to my sister while looking at the road, focusing to get to school "don't ask me this. I don't know. what I would do is bitch back at her because that's what she's going to do, bitch at you, like she does with everyone else" my sister said laughing, but I wasn't. I was scared she was going to hurt me. "I shouldn't even be scared. she's nothing but an idiot that wants attention. I need to stop worrying about her" I said looking back between the road and my sister. "I agree" my sister said back looking out the window. once we got to school, we hopped out of my car, walking into the building. "I'll see you later. good luck, have a good day" my sister said to me walking to her class. I was walking in the hallways when I saw cynthia and my brother walking together. "hi y/n! how are you?" cynthia looked at me, but my brother didn't even pay attention to me. I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk to my class. "I'll catch up with you later" I heard cynthia say to my brother. I heard footsteps following behind me. "y/n, I want to apologize to you, for being such a bitch. I hope we can be friends" i turned to see cynthia "don't even try to become my friend. it's not going to happen. I know you're using my brother to get back at me and guess what? I don't care. leave me alone" "yeah, I'm using your brother so what? you shouldn't have chase" she said crossing her arms around her chest "are you serious? you sound like a child. you don't own chase, leave him alone too. get a life. stop using people and stop telling people who they can have or not." I said turning again walking to my class. she didn't even say anything. I walked into my class sitting down at my desk when I got a text message, surprisingly from my brother

I heard what cynthia said. I'm so fucking sorry y/n. I know you said not to tell you that you were right, but you are. and I'm so sorry

I couldn't be mad at him, he was my brother after all.

I'm not mad. it's okay. thank you for apologizing, I accept it. just listen to your little sis next time. I know more than you think

will do, love you

love you too, idiot

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