chapter 10

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hi omfg. you guys are so sweet i can't!! thank you for the votes & comments. it truly makes my day. this chapter is horrible because i had like 10 minutes to do it lol. thank you for the support.
710 words
"what the hell y/n? why did you skip school?" jaden whisper yelled at me when he saw me walk through the school doors. "chase said he just wanted a day with me, what's wrong with that? huh?" i replied with one eye brown up "uh i don't know maybe that you could get in serious trouble by that? how did your parents react when they found about you skipping school with chase?" he asked "i didn't even tell them i skipped school. i just told them i was staying the night with a friend" i said placing my backpack on the ground next to my seat. "i need to go to the bathroom. i'll be back" i left and went into the restroom. right as i was about to go into a stall, someone grabbed my wrists, in my luck i turned to see cynthia "excuse me, can you let go of my wrist please?" i asked her with an attitude. "i know you skipped school yesterday with chase" she replied looking at me in the eyes "okay and? why does that have anything to do with you?" "oh no, it has nothing to do with me. i was just saying that. but on a serious note, i just don't understand what he sees in you." she said with a smirk i turned my body to hers "what's your deal, you've cheated on him so many times, he broke up with you. he obviously doesn't want you anymore. let him go. he's not someone who you can just toy around with" i said almost shouting. "my deal? you're my deal. i just know you've been in love with him for ages now. you shouldn't have him. you don't deserve him" "actually no, you don't deserve him." i say and i walk towards the door but before i exit i turn around to speak one more time "and also, your excuse of 'your deal' is pathetic, just like you" i say and exit. i walk into the classroom only to see chase and jaden about to choke each other out if someone doesn't pull them away from each other. i run over to them and try to get in- between their conversation. "what's wrong guys?" i ask them both "oh nothing, it's just the fact that jaden thinks he owns you." chase says not taking his eyes off of jaden "oh please, i care more about her than you ever will" jaden says back. "that's enough. stop fucking fighting. thank you both, for caring but i don't need someone to baby me like you two are right now." i say and walk off going to my desk.

the rest of the day went by fast. i went home and as i walked into the living room i saw my parents sitting on the couch. 'uh this is weird' i thought. "hi y/n! how was your day?" my father asked me. "it was great. why are you two home so early" i asked looking back and forth between them. "oh we just wanted to talk to you. your friend jaden texted us, he said you skipped school yesterday and went with chase...?" "hudson" my mother said "ah yes chase hudson. your old friend. so tell me, why? why did you feel the need to skip school?" my father asked. 'oh fuck' i mentally cursed myself out. "there's just a lot of drama going on right now in my life that chase knows about and he wanted to help me clear my head. i just couldn't face going to school...i'm sorry" i said looking down, not even wanting to look at my parents. both of my parents sighed "do you want to talk about the drama?" my mom asked. i looked up at her " not really. i just want to go upstairs a take a nap" she sighs again. "okay, i'll wake you up for dinner" she says and gives me a small smile. i run upstairs to text jaden

why the fuck did you tell my parents i skipped school?

y/n i did it because i don't like chase. okay? he's not good for you

shitty excuse to tell my parents i skipped.

i'm sorry, i just don't think you should've done that.

i shouldn't even be mad, my parents aren't that upset about it.

it's fine, just please let me tell them next time.

will do, have a good rest of your day princess xx

you too, jaden. xx

i sigh and put my phone away and take a nap

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