Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

                "Can you hear me?"

                My eyes fluttered open to someone snapping their fingers in my face.

                "Could you shut the hell up? I've got a god awful headache." My voice was hoarse.

                I heard laughing. Whoever was doing it was gonna get the hell knocked outta them.

                "Ms Andrews?" When I opened my eyes this time, a doctor was standing over me.


                "How do you feel?"

                "Like I got hit by a car...again."

                "Yes, I've seen your past medical records. Seems you're a bit accident prone."

                "That's an understatement."

                The doctor chuckled as he checked my vitals. Accident prone? Ha! I've been hit by a drunk driver and died, twice, broken several bones on the job, and now I've been hit by a car. I'd bet the hospital has its own filing cabinet for me.

                "Well, it looks like you're doing alright. We are going to keep you overnight for observation. Oh, and your parents are here."

                "Tell them I have nothing to say to them and that they can leave."


                "And also remind them that I have a restraining order against them, so if they don't want to listen, please notify the police."

                The doctor nodded his head and walked out. I could hear him talking to someone just outside the door. Apparently, whoever he was talking to was getting angry, because next thing I knew, they were yelling. Then the door to my room was thrown open and my father came in. The look in his eyes was murderous.

                "How dare you! How dare you make your mother and I suffer with worry, then refuse to let us see you!"

                It was then I noticed Jessica Andrews, the woman who had given birth to and nothing else but misery, standing in the doorway. She had an ugly smirk on her once beautiful face.

                "Cut the shit, Alex. You two just wanted to make sure I was actually dead this time so you could take my money. You and Jessica both know you're not supposed to be anywhere near me."

                Everything went so fast that I could hardly process what had happened. I was still feeling woozy and didn't really realize that Alex was coming at me, screaming. I saw Jessica smile, I saw the police officer enter the room, and I felt Alex trying to throttle me. He was pulled off me by someone in the room. The police officer in the room was slapping handcuffs on Jessica and Alex. There was another cop in the room who was taking statements from the doctor, nurses, and my parents. After they were escorted out of the room, the cop taking the statements walked over to me. When everything had started slowing down, I looked up at him.


                "Excuse me?" I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This was the same man I had seen after I'd been hit.

                "Sorry, you look like someone I wish I didn't know." He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but notice the resemblance between this cop and Jason. The only difference in the two were his eyes.

                "It's alright. I'm sorry to bother you, but as you know, I have to take a statement from you."

                "It's all jello. Can you send the doc back in first though? My head is killing me."

                "Sure, no problem." He waved for the doctor and spoke to him quietly for a few moments. The doc left the room for a few moments then came back in with a syringe. He pushed the medication into the IV and left the room.

                "Thanks." I closed my eyes, waiting for the meds to take over.

                "Ms Andrews, I need you to tell me what happened." Without opening my eyes, I answered him.

                "I got hit by a car, sent to the hospital, and woke up. Doc said my idiotic parents were waiting to see me, when actually they were waiting to see if I was dead and they could go ransack my house. Alex came in after I told the doc that they weren't supposed to be her because I have a restraining order against them and started yelling at me. I smarted off, as is my nature, and he tried to choke me. End of story."

                The Jason look alike was writing everything I said down.

                "Why were you crossing the road to begin with? When you got hit by the car, I mean."

                "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

                "Sense of humor never leaves you does it?"

                "It's what keeps me going." I knew the drugs were starting to work, because I was bloody exhausted.

                "I'll let you get some rest. I'll be back  to escort you home in the morning." The cop got up and headed to the door.

                "What's your name?" I called to him.


                "Nice to meet you Jayce. I'm Phriek."

                "You shouldn't call yourself names." I couldn't help it, I laughed.

                "No, you twit. My name is Phriek."

                "That's different."

                "I'm different."

                "I know."

                You have no idea. I rolled over and fell asleep.

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