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I hope all of you are doing well given the current situation of the world and are staying safe.

We hit 1 MILLION READS on THE GOOD IN DIAVOLO! I still cannot believe it. I would like to thank every single one of you for giving this book, and my babies Diavolo and Brooklyn, a chance. Thank you for enjoying it and thank you for supporting it. You all are my Wattpad family.

I celebrated 1 MIL staying home with some cake and balloons! Pictures are on my IG, fatimax227.

As for the SURPRISE, I will be publishing a bonus chapter within the coming week featuring all of your favorite characters as a thank you token.

I know, you all are probably thinking...that's it? What do you take me for? Of course not!

The title, blurb and cover of Antonio and Sierra's book will be PUBLISHED the same day!!!
I can't wait to share their story with you!

Thank you again lovelies!
Sending you all some love,
Fatima xoxo

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