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Wooyoung was standing in line at the convenience store. He was hoping his card actually put his money on it. He really didn't have much money.

"Hello sir." The register man spoke. Wooyoung practically was praying he had money. He couldn't go another day without a cigarette.

"Marlboro Reds." Wooyoung asked.

"Okay that'll be $5.50. Cash or.." The man asked.

"Card." Wooyoung interrupted.

"Okay please swipe." He directed.

And with that he did. He typed in his pin and,


"Uh, it was declined.." The register man stated.

"Oh gosh. I, uh, can I try it again?" Wooyoung muttered. He was becoming worried. He wasn't close with the register man, so he couldn't ask to borrow it.

"I'll pay it for him." A soft voice spoke from behind him.

"Oh, okay." The register man nodded accepting the money.

Wooyoung followed the mysterious man outside. The night was cold and left chills down his spine.

"Thanks so much. I promise I'll pay you back. Can I get your number or something? I get paid tomorrow, I think." Wooyoung quaked. This caused the male in front of him to laugh.

"No, it's fine. I actually have a request." The male spoke.

"What's your name?" Wooyoung asked before letting him continue.

"San, Choi San." The guy added.

"Oh, I'm Wooyoung." He responded.

"What a cute name. Anyways I have a request.." San spoke slyly. He had been scoping out Wooyoung for quite a while.

San wanted someone to spoil in a way. He just needed someone to occupy his down time. He had wanted Wooyoung because he was a perfect match. A struggling college student who worked part time every now and then.

"Yes?" Wooyoung questioned.

"I want to arrange a meeting with you." San requested.

"A meeting? Oh sure when?" Wooyoung smiled unsure of what it was for.

"Meet me at this convenience store tomorrow evening. If your not busy." San chuckled lightly at the blonde male male.

"Of course." Wooyoung nodded trying to make note of the date. He needed a way to repay him, so maybe this would help. Because Wooyoung never really got paid enough to give out his money.

"Also, smokings bad. Don't ruin your perfect little self." San instructed smiling.

"I know.." Wooyoung whispered faintly. He kind of fell into it. He knew it was bad when he couldn't afford it.

"Haha, see you tomorrow." San waved while walking off.

"Okay." Wooyoung nodded. He didn't really think much on it. He just walked towards his dorm putting a lit cigarette in his mouth. He knew this would probably be his last for a while considering he was dirt broke.

The day flew by, so now Wooyoung was running to the store trying not to be late. He didn't live to far from it.

"Hey, just on time." San joked as he saw the male running towards him.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was caught up in homework." Wooyoung huffed trying to catch his breath.

"Okay, follow me." San smiled while leading the male to a restaurant.

"Where are you taking me? Are you going to kill me? I know your face so I can point you out in a line up." Wooyoung muttered unsure of what was happening.

"Definitely not a killer. Maybe in my next life. Right now I'm taking you to eat. Is that fine with you?" San laughed at the boys comment.

"Oh, we're going out to eat. I'm excited. I haven't ate out in like years." Wooyoung chuckled. He couldn't wait to fill up his stomach with hot, yummy food.

"That may change." San smirked to himself. He knew if Wooyoung agreed to what he had to say, fast food would become a normal.

"I doubt it. Student loans aren't cheap." Wooyoung joked. He actually liked joking about his troubles. It made him feel less worried.

"Ahh, I didn't attend college." San replied. Wooyoung talking made the walk feel really long to him.

"Your acting like your thirty. I can tell your around my age. Maybe even younger than I am." Wooyoung remarked. He knew San was acting stuck up, but Wooyoung really wasn't sure why.

"Your right. I'm your age, I believe." San nodded. He knew Wooyoung was around his age.

"Wow, college really is helping me tell the mind of people. Anyways where are we going?" Wooyoung whined.

"We're like a minute a way. Can you walk a bit more? You walk around campus all the time." San giggled.

"Agh, I guess I can.." Wooyoung whimpered.

"Look where we are." San pointed to the restaurant.

"Well quit talking let's go inside." Wooyoung smiled. He was excited to eat at such a fancy place.

When they got seated and their food arrived, San decided to mention what he initially came for.

"So, I asked if you could come here. I need a.. How do I put this?" San questioned. He didn't want the boy to think it was a bad thing.

"Huh?" Wooyoung asked. He swallowed the food left in his mouth.

"I kind of want you to stay at my house, which is plenty of big, and I buy all your necessities. Your not even going to interfere with me, except when I want you around.." San realized how it sounded. He didn't really have any other way to describe it though.

"So like a sugar baby.." Wooyoung chuckled. The deal actually sounded really good. If he didn't need to talk to San at all hardly, and everything was paid for.

"Well kind of... I'll pay your student loans as well. If you'd like we can transfer you to a nicer college." San mentioned.

"For real?" Wooyoung practically shouted. This was the best thing to ever happen to him.

"So.. Do you agree?" San inquired.

"Yes of course. Is there any like, rules?" Wooyoung asked. He was excited.

"First of all, don't smoke. Second, don't be shy. If you need something tell me. Third, you mustn't tell anyone you live with me. As well as, no company at the house. Oh the last thing! You must attend all business outings with me. I need a plus one almost always. You'll be there, but don't act like we're dating. It's business.." San instructed.

"Ah, okay got it." Wooyoung understood.

BTw i hope you enjoy this story, i kinda am just writing as i go so sorry if it don't aLL correlate :,)

who is your guys ateez biases? mines wooyoung & san

song of the day / chapter / whatever - fxxk it by bigbang

^ i made that a thing so let it be cool>:(

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