Chapter 43 - A New Beginning (Part 1)

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The Castle Of Grytia

She hadn't heard from Tristan all winter, even though they lived under the same roof.

The castle wasn't exactly small, and since she no longer served meals or cleaned chambers, her chances of accidently crossing paths with Tristan were almost gone. Almost. She still managed to see him on a few occasions when she went for a walk in the courtyard or passed through a main hallway. But that was all. She would just see him, and he would not even look at her. Just like he did earlier today when she went to meet Alexander.

Alina was standing with Alexander in one of the arched balconies near Jared's chamber, catching up on the latest news. She didn't really have much about to tell him about herself, except for how well she was getting along with the other entertainers. She could have told him how heartbroken she felt because of Tristan's neglect. But the mere thought brought tears to her eyes.

"You don't look very well to me Lina," Alexander frowned, reading right through her fake smile.

"I told you I am fine," her smile widened in assurance, looking even more fake.

"Is it because of Lord Tristan?" he asked. "Does he still not want to speak to you?"

"It's not like that... I mean... I don't want to speak to him either. If he doesn't care for me then why should I care for him?" she said, trying to sound confident despite the pain in her voice. "How's Jared anyway?" she quickly changed the subject.

"He's... doing much better," Alexander smiled, and Alina could tell his smile was fake as well. "He still can't walk on his own though... and his temper these days is worse than ever."

Thudding footsteps approached them, interrupting their conversation. They turned around and Alina held her breath as she saw Tristan. He was walking in the passageway behind them, apparently on his way to visit Jared.

"Lord Tristan," Alexander called and hurried before Tristan with a quick bow, while Alina stepped back further into the balcony, silently cursing Alexander for grabbing Tristan's attention. Tristan's cold eyes didn't even care to look her way, although her presence was quite noticeable even to the blind. And as if she didn't even exist, he turned all his attention to Alexander.

"What are you doing here, boy? Shouldn't you be by Jared's side?" Tristan frowned, a hint of reproach in his voice.

"Umm... yes... but I was just –"

"Come along now," Tristan ordered, grabbing Alexander's shoulder. Alexander barely threw a troubled back glance at Alina as Tristan steered him away from the balcony, leaving Alina alone, as if she were completely invisible.

Alina could no longer hold her tears as she buried her face against her pillow. Why was he doing this to her? She hated it. She hated that he ignored her. How cruel!

"What is it Alina?" a soft voice approached her.

Alina sniffled and quickly wiped her tears. She turned around and found Virginia by her side, smiling down at her with tenderness. It didn't help though, and Alina only found herself bursting into more sobs. Virginia took her in her arms, hushing her gently.

"How... could you... endure?" Alina sobbed, looking up at Virginia with desperate eyes.

"What?" Virginia frowned back at her in confusion.

"How could you... stand it... when Tr... Tristan... left you?"

"Oh," Virginia's blue eyes widened briefly in apprehension, before they narrowed with compassion. "Poor girl," she sighed as she drew Alina closer into her arms. "You've done a big mistake."

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