The Aftermath

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This idea is by @paws_off_greenie (I didn't know what to title it. Sorry!) I hope I didn't totally ruin your idea (I tend to do that a lot) The original comment is up above. I really love this prompt.


Y/N - your name


We won! We're alive! But Lee and Micheal aren't... no. Stop it Y/N. Get a hold of yourself. There is nothing you can do.

Y/N was a daughter of Apollo, and she had just lost many of her siblings. She missed all of them, but she missed her brothers Lee Fletcher and Micheal Yew the most. Tey had the closest relationship. They taught Y/N how to shoot an arrow, how to take care of demigods in the infirmary, and they were also the first friends she ever made at camp.

Y/N had been crying on hr bed for 3 days now. She should be happy, I mean, they won! Her otp, Percabeth, also got together! So why was she crying?

Will Solace noticed his half sisters behavior, and took note of it. He concluded that h needed someone to help her cal down, someone she could talk to. So he did the next logical thing. He asked her best friend Malcolm to come help her.

Malcolm rushed over to Cabin 7 and went straight to Y/N. When Will told him that Y/N needed someone to help her with the loss of her half brothers, he knew exact;y what to do.

"Shhh, Y/N it's ok. Stop stressing about the past. You know your brothers are in the Elysium telling you to stop crying like a dying whale." Malcolm said.

"You think I cry like a dying whale?" Y/N questioned, feeling a tad bit happier at the stupidity of the son of Athena.

"I-um, no. Your brothers think that?" Malcolm said, confused at what he just said.

"You are so stupid." Y/N exclaimed, flopping back down on her bed. She felt much better with Malcolm here right by her side. She wished it could always be like that. She had secretly had a crush on him since they first met when they were 14.

"Nu uh." Was Malcolm's genius comeback. He wish they could be like this all the time, just joking around. He had huge crush on Y/N, except he ad no idea how to tell her. She was just so beautiful and kind...

"Do you feel better Y/N?"

"A bit." Y/N admitted. She felt a bit of her sadness lifted off her shoulders. "Can we do this more often?"

"Sure." Malcolm was super happy. He got to spend more time with Y/N. Because of the war, they haven't seen each other much. They were just training basically 24/7. He finally got time to spend with his best friend.

Secretly, Will was listening to their conversation, just waiting until his new ship became canon.

Oh gods, I hope I didn't just ruin this idea! I'm sorry if I did. I didn't want Y/N to feel perfectly fine just yet, cuz that's weird. She just lost her closest siblings.

Did you know Elysium is pronounced ee-li-see-um not uh-sigh-lum? I had no idea! I read the word wrong, and I still do! It's super weird and annoying. Like what!?

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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