Study Partner

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Yet another idea from @Sotamshipper24 . Thank you for the great idea. By the way, anyone can leave their ideas for chapters/oneshots, so you can leave 'em anywhere. Like before, I might've changed the story a bit, but the original comment(s) are above.

Y/n or Y/N - your name
Bold - you're speaking
Underlined - Malcolm's speaking
# - any number (I don't wanna accidentally give away an actual number)
Mrs. Kapler was assigning us our study partners. We were taking a test on the French Revolution, and I may or may not have learnt nothing. Like at all. So I was glad she was doing this. I got more than 0% on my test, and that's a good thing.

The only problem was I was paired with my long time crush, Malcolm. He was really smart, which was good, but he was also distractingly handsome.

Malcolm's POV
In History class, we were taking a huge test on the French Revolution. Good thing I know a lot about the topic. We were getting study buddies, so I was just going to help my partner.

Except for the fact that I had a HUGE crush on my partner, Y/n. She was smart in more of physics and math, so this could go really well, like us ending up bonding, or really bad, like if she realizes how different we are. Oh no. She's walking over now. Help.

H-hey Malcolm. Could I have your number so I know when and where to m-meet you?

I-uh sure. It's ###-###-####.

Timeskip to when u guys r at Malcolm's house

So what do you already know about the French Revolution?

Um... cake?



I think I have some cake in the fridge. Do you want some.

Sure! But don't we need to study?

We can study next time.


GODS THIS IS TERRIBLE! I AM SO SORRY! I had no idea on how to end it, and I was too lazy to change the entire story, so I guess it's kinda my fault. Sorry.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now