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This is by @Sotamshipper24. She wanted me to mention a thank you to @anjalijana12 for giving her the idea and letting her use their convo. (I feel so lonely in this world)

Key (been a while :))

Bold - Anjali's texts (you'll see)
Underlined - Y/N's texts
(N/N) - nickname


(Y/N)'s POV   

I was texting my mortal cousin, Anjali (A/N by Helena: just roll w/ it :)) on my monster proof phone, and we were talking about crushes. 

So, who's your crush at camp?  

You can probably guess ;)  

True. And I know you're all for that Malcolm boy in Cabin 6 you told me about

What? He's smart and a boy! That's hard to find! 

(A/N by Helena: no offense to any guys out there) (A/N by me: ...Thanks...)

Very true 

Ikr? But I can't he's literally too kewt  

Trust me. Based on your texts I am very much aware 

I was interrupted in my conversation by Malcolm walking in. 

"Hey, (N/N), do you wanna--oh, are you busy?" 


"Talking to Anjali again?" 


"What about?" 

"Boys. More specifically, my crush," I replied with a smirk. 

"Ooh. Who're you guys talking about?" I just went back to my texts. I couldn't let Malcolm know that he was who we were talking about. 

"Show meee," he whined. I just shook my head. He jumped on top of me and tried to get my phone. I threw it to the corner of the bed. That was how we started wrestling for the phone. 

"Why do you want to know so badly?" I snapped, irritated. 

Suddenly, I felt Malcolm lean down and kiss me. 

"That's why," his stormy grey orbs bored into my own sea green ones. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard

"So was I the boy you two were talking about?" he asked with a smirk on his pretty little face. I nodded with my own smirk playing on my lips. 

"You wanna go spar now?" he asked as if nothing had happened. 

"Okay. Hold on though I have something I need to do." he smirked, as if reading my mind, got off me and walked off, a certain swag in his steps (A/N by Helena: idk, ok? I ran out of adjectives). I immediately grabbed my phone and started typing furiously. 

Ohh, Anjali's gonna die when she finds out

I would NEVER tell someone what I was texting about. NEVER!

Also, sorry about not updating. I find writing really hard, and these books are to help me out. It also takes a while to correct since I can't spell like half the words in the english language and if I'm in the middle of a word, I'll start writing the next one. I also have very little motivation to write, so that just adds to the problem.

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt