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This part is for @Sotamshipper24 for giving me the amazing idea. It's great. Thank you! Sorry if I changed some parts up, but the original comment(s) are above.

Y/N - your name
Bold Italics - you're talking
Underlined Italics - Malcolm's speaking
I was on my way to the Athena cabin. Why? Well I wanted to see my best friend, Malcolm. I was hoping he would be my sparring partner, since I was afraid of sparring with Clarisse. The last kid who did that was stuck in the infirmary for a month. Yikes.

Connor Stoll's POV
I am so glad that Travis and I installed monster-proof video cameras in Cabin 6. They were originally for prank reactions, but Percy told us that Y/N is going to see Malcolm in the Athena cabin, and naturally we set up a monster-proof projector in the big house and invited everybody at camp to watch. Everyone here ships it, but it was yet another Percabeth story. Best friends who went on quests together, fell in love, and both are oblivious to the others feelings.

As I entered Cabin 6, I saw the CUTEST THING EVER!!! Malcom was on his bed, reading. He was wearing SUPER adorable circle lensed gold rimmed reading glasses, and his face was scrunched up in the cutest way. He only does that when he's reading.

Malcolm's POV
As I was in the middle of reading my book about Greek mythology, my best friend Y/n came in.

Hey Malcolm.

Hey Y/n.

Whatcha r-reading?

I-um uh, a-a book of ro- I mean Greek mythology. What are you reading?

I'm not r-reading.

O-oh r-r-right.

Wanna b-be my sparring p-partner?

Sure. H-hey Y/N?


Uh, nothing. Just that I really like you.

Uh, what?

Oh gods, did I say that out loud?

Um... yeah...

Well, uh, sorry,

No no, don't be, I-I like you too.



WHAT?! Malcolm likes me back. No. WAY! This is the greatest day of my life. With a random boost of confidence I didn't know I had, I bent down and kissed him.

Now do you wanna go spar?


As we went outside, the ENTIRE camp was waiting for us. They lifted us up and threw us into the lake, just like they did Percy and Annabeth. Good thing I was a daughter of Poseidon, and created an air bubble. Then I did the next logical thing, I kissed him again.

So how was that? I think it turned out good, but whenever I reread it, I'll notice mistakes api made and things I could've changed. This was also the first oneshot that someone gave me the idea for. It was an awesome idea and I hope I didn't ruin it. If any of you have any ideas, feel free to leave them. It's really helpful for when I don't know what to write.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now