Trust in me

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Deku, Iida, and Uraraka run to the exit of the park. Iida was injured on Main Street USA. While (Reader) and Tsu are head into the park. They need to find more hostages to save and figure out how the villains are coming to the real world. When they reach the plaza, they both can hear screams coming from Adventureland. That's where they head to next.

They walk into Adventureland to find the boats to the Jungle Cruise still going it seems that the skippers on the boat aren't docking. Tsu and (Reader) run to the Jungle Cruise line to find out why they aren't stopping.  They get to the front entrance, which is the middle of a building. 

"We need to be careful...Ribbit." Tsu tells (Reader).  Tsu and (Reader) walked in very slowly.  They see a boat go by. Tsu vanishes and goes up stairs. (Reader) stays down stairs. He moved along the line and he hears something.  A boat returns to the dock again and is about to leave. The people on the boat point over the (Reader).  He looks up and hidden in a corner is a tiger. The tiger launches at him.  He fall backwards and lands on his back. The tiger jumps again at (Reader), and he rolls out of the way. The tiger eyes at (reader).

"You are very nibble. I'm glad I finally have a challenge."  The tiger said to him. (Readers) looks confused. 

"How is this tiger talking?"  (Reader) says in his head. Then he realized who this is.  "Your Shere Khan."

"Wow, you very smart when is coming to your enemies."  Khan says to (Reader).  (Reader) hears loud running to behind him. He does a quick look.  He see a lion coming towards him. The main of the lion is black and the lion has a line going down its eye.  The lion quickly jumps towards him. (Reader) roll out of the way.  The lion lands next to the tiger. They both look at (reader).  (Reader) knew who the lion was, it was Scar.

"Well, it seems you young man are in trouble." Khan tells (Reader). The lion goes one way and the tiger goes the other. (Reader) know he is in line and knows there are lot of small spaces to get stuck.  (Reader) takes a deep breath and feels the quirk running through his body.  Deku told him what his quirk was and the best way to use it.  The two predators jump when they are on either side of (Reader). (Reader) opens his eyes and catches both of them in mid-air one handed around their necks. (Reader) runs to the edge of the dock and dunks their heads into the water. They struggle for a while and then never move again.  (Reader) throws the body of them in to the water.

"There, I got rid of the them. You all can safely dock!" (Reader) yells out to the boats.

"Did you get the snake?" One of the guests on one of the boats asked. (Reader) turns and looks up at the second floor.  He runs to the stairs and run up. He is looking around for Tsu.   He looks all up stairs. He walks inside and then he hears something.  He looks up where the luggage is and hears hissing. (Reader) jumps and there is Tsu looking to the eyes of a python. 

"Kaa!" (Reader) yells.  The snake turns its head to (Reader).  (Reader) jumps again and this time grabbing the snake and pulling hard. The snake uncoils itself from Tsu, as (Reader) spins Kaa's head and then launching it into the sky.  Tsu blinks and comes back.

"What happened...Ribbit?" Tsu asked (Reader).

"Kaa from the Jungle Book hypnotized you and almost ate you." (Reader) tells Tsu. Tsu jumped down to (Readers) level.

"Thank you...Ribbit." She tells (Reader) and she walks over to him and hugs him. A boat down on the dock pulls in.

"Is it safe?" The skipper yells up to them.  Tsu lets go of (Reader). 

"Yes, it is safe... Ribbit" (Reader) tells to him. (Reader) looks back at Tsu. When he hugged her back. The Quirk changed.  Now, he can't stop croaking like a frog.  Well, at least he now knows what Tsu's quirk.  Tsu weakly smile at you.

"Sorry...Ribbit." Tsu says to him. The boats down below stop on the dock start to empty out. The guests ran to Main Street and to the exit. Tsu and (Reader) hop down to the platform and start helping everyone off the boats. 

"Tsu!" A girl with black hair run out of the boat and gives Tsu a hug.

"Momo...Ribbit!" Tsu yells. Hugging Momo. (Reader) got all the boats emptied. Momo and Tsu walk over to him when he is finished.

"Hello, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." Momo introduces herself.

"Hello, I'm (Reader)...Ribbit." (Reader) introduces himself, they shake hands.

"Are you ok... Ribbit" Tsu asks Momo. Momo nods.

"I'm fine. I was trying to keep people calm and keep them from jump out of the boat." Momo told Tsu. "It was very hard to tell people to stay calm, but I did it." 

"I was looking around for the enemy, but a snake came out of nowhere and it looked me in the eyes. I heard a song, then I blinked and (Reader) throws the snake sky high... Ribbit "  Tsu tells Momo.

"That snake was Kaa from the Jungle book. He likes to hypnotizes his pray by singing "Trust in Me."I found a tiger and a lion down stairs. I took care of them." (Reader) tells Tsu.

"Wait, you didn't Ribbit." Momo says to (Reader).

"Yeah, my quirk is called absorption. Whoever I touch, I absorb a copy of their quirk. As long as I don't touch anyone, I can use the quirk.  I touched you and now I have a copy of your Quirk. (Reader) explains to Momo. 

"So you now have creation?" Momo asks. (Reader) nods. "Wow, that useful.

"Momo, do you know where everyone else went?"  Tsu asks Momo.  Momo has to think for a second.

"Well, I thought I saw Bakugo go into the Temple that we kept riding by." Momo tells Tsu and (Reader). Tsuyu, (Reader), and Momo head towards the temple.

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