Heading to Disney

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(Reader) is packing his suitcase. He is angry that he got suspended from school for fighting, but what did he expect for someone who doesn't show his quirk. The kid with the quirk got away from it and he didn't get suspended. The kid was using his quirk on a girl to see her underwear. The kid has a wind quirk and he blow her skirt up.

She was humiliated and started crying. (Reader) ran over to the kid and punched him. A teacher came around the corner at that moment and told (reader) to go to the principals office. (Reader) walked into the principals office and sat down. The principal looked at you.

"What did you do now?" The principal asked.

"I saw-" (Reader) started to say, but the principal interrupted him.

"This is the third time that you've been sent to my office. Let me guess, a student decided to use their quirk and you tried to stop them. I'm sick and tired of hearing the same story. I think you are just jealous of the fact they have quirks, and your just Quirkless. So I'm suspending you. I hope you learn your lesson while your off!" The principal yelled at (Reader). (Reader) throws his hands up in the air and shakes his head. The principal looks at him with his phone in is hand. "Don't give me that attitude."

The principal called his parents. When they get there, the principal tells your parents that he lied to get another kid in trouble.

"That's not what happened, what happened was-" (Reader) began, but the principal held up his hand.

"I don't want to hear the lies. All you do is tell lies. I'm tired of hearing the lies about kids using there quirks and I'm sick of your attitude. Your suspended for a week. Get out of my office and school!" The principal yells, pointing to his door. What (Reader) doesn't know is that mom and dad thought him getting suspended was not far.

"You did the right thing (reader). We are proud that you stood up for that girl."  Dad told him on their way home.  Mom turned in her seat to face him.

"I'm happy that you are a gentleman.  We have a surprise for you. Since you suspended from school. We're going to go to Disneyland early. You know we were going to leave on Friday after you got off of school, but now we are going to go when we are all done packing."  Mom tell (Reader). His head goes up and he smiles.

"Thats cool. I thought you two were mad at me."  (Reader) tells his parents. The parents look at each other. Then his mom looks back at him. Dad turned back to the road.

"I will admit that we were, till we heard why you were being suspended. I bet your attitude he clams is you trying to tell him what happened. That boy should have also gotten suspended too.  So we will go to Disneyland as soon as we get done packing." His mom tell him.

Back in his room. He slams his suitcase shut, and takes the case to the car. He puts it inside and gets in the back seat. He sees his mom and dad coming outside. Mom takes the suitcases to the car. While dad locks up the house. Mom puts their suitcases in the trunk of the car and shuts the door. (Reader) hopes this trip does help him. Everyone gets into the car and they drive off. (Reader) looks out the window and pictures himself at Disneyland. His anger and frustration leaving him, being replaced by happiness and hope.

My Disneyland Resort Academia Tsuyu X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now