Alpha Male

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Young Justice is not mine.

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Alpha Male

"A true leader has confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others."

- Douglas McArthur

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Nightfall didn't have a concussion, and that was blessed news to the girl.

On the flipside, however, Robin had been wrong about the gash on her forehead and she did, in fact, need a few stitches. Five to be precise. This wasn't her first encounter with stitches, but she still found them incredibly uncomfortable.

And itchy.

After waking up in a panic in the med-bay, disoriented and in pain, Black Canary had done a medical check-up on the girl after getting her to calm down. The fact of the matter was, who knew Black Canary was also adept in medicine like she was in fighting? Once Nightfall was deemed good to go, she was sent on her way to meet up with the others.

They were gathered in the mission room, huddled around a table and each looking various shades of depressed. She noted that Nightlight was absent, and Aqualad was in the corner with Batman, no doubt talking leader to leader.

Robin had perked up as soon as the waterbender walked into the mission room, and Kid Flash made a quip about it. The boy wonder ignored his speedster friend and scooted over, making space for Nightfall between himself and Artemis. She slipped into the spot, tossing out a quick 'I'm okay' when asked how she was.

Silence lingered in the room as tensions ran high. Nightfall ignored the others as she played with a stray balloon she had found on her walk from the med-bay to the mission room. She wasn't sure how it had gotten all the way there from the common room, but she guessed it didn't really matter.

Nightfall didn't really know a lot of things about what happened last night.

The poor balloon in her grasp looked how the girl felt: hell.

It was a blue color, slightly deflated and singed, but miraculously hanging onto life.

"Synchronizing cave security protocol with Watchtower mainframe."

The lights in the cave suddenly flickered back to life, Nightfall not paying them much mind. A few Justice Leaguers flew about overhead, busying themselves with fixing the various dings and dents the Reds reign of terror had left behind. She assumed the Leaguer's working down in the hangar had fixed up the generator.

Nighttide, flanked on either side by Green Arrow and Black Canary, approached the sullen teens, snacks in tow. Nightlight trailed alongside the Leaguer's, a soft frown on her face as she took in their dejected forms. She still felt guilty that she hadn't been there to help them against the Reds, but the logical side of her understood she wouldn't have been much help.

The older waterbender set a bowl of pretzels down on the table, passing a sullen gaze over the gathered group of teens. His eyes settled on his daughter, but Nightfall's gaze was still casted downwards and focused on the shriveled balloon she had picked up. Nighttide felt a pang in his heart as he noted the stitches on her forehead and dejected look upon her face, but he hid it behind an expressionless demeanor.

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