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Young Justice is not mine.



"The more violent the storm, the quicker it passes."

- Paulo Coelho



"Happy birthday!"

Two voices happily chorused together, causing Kayanna to jump at the sudden commotion. She looked up from her phone, ready to greet her two best friends, only to feel two pairs of lips press themselves to each of her freckled cheeks. They tinged red at the contact, and the brunette shoved Dick and Barbara away with a laugh.

"Ack, you guys are gross!" A coy smile graced Kayanna's lips as she playfully rubbed her cheeks.

Barbara blew a raspberry at her friend, hands on her hips, "This is the thanks we get for being amazing friends?"

"Tch. You guys slobbered all over my cheeks!" Though her tone was mildly disgusted, the smile on the brunette's face told her two friends that she was only teasing.

Dick beamed at Kayanna, and when she made eye contact with him, he began to move his hands, signing out 'Happy birthday'. She smiled as Barbara looked confused, and the brunette placed her fingertips to her chin before moving her hand outwards, signing 'thank you' in response.

Kayanna had become obsessed with American Sign Language when she was younger, after she befriended a Deaf student that was in her class in elementary school. She had picked up the language with relative ease, her parents providing her with ASL books until they could afford proper ASL lessons.

At one-point Dick learned Kayanna knew ASL and asked her to teach him. He used this as a chance to better get to know the brunette as, as Robin, he was already fluent in the language.

But she didn't need to know that.

Kayanna had attempted to teach Barbara ASL, and though the ginger picked up some ASL skill, she just wasn't all that interested in the language herself. Her interest did peak, however, when Kayanna and Dick started having mild ASL conversations in front of her, but the words never really stuck with her.

Barbara moved her hands in the way Dick did, trying to mimic his signs. Based on what Kayanna had signed back- the ginger did recognize thank you- she assumed that meant the mathlete had signed happy birthday.

Kayanna giggled as Barbara signed towards her. However, the ginger moved her hand wrong for the first sign, which turned what was supposed to be happy into a totally different word.

"That's breathe birthday." The brunette made the sign for breathe, flat hand going towards and away from her chest, "This is happy." With the same hand, she signed happy, flat hand going slightly up and down the front of her upper chest.

Barbara nodded, signing happy birthday correctly this time, "Oh, I see!" The two shared a laugh before the ginger looked around, a sudden frown finding its way onto her face, "Hey, where'd Dick go?"

Kayanna's own lips curved downwards as she glanced around, also finding the mathlete to be missing. They didn't hear him leave, and it wasn't like Dick to not say goodbye if he was going to ditch him, so it was weird he was just up and gone.

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