Independence Day

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Young Justice is not mine.


Independence Day

"Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects."

- Dalai Lama



"When we're ready?" Kid Flash exclaimed, outraged as he kicked at the floor. The Justice Leaguer's- consisting of their trusted mentors- had just left the room, off to some grand 'ol Justice League adventure, on they weren't allowed on, "How are we supposed to ever be ready if they treat us like, like..." He searched for the word.

"Sidekicks?" Robin grumbled, arms crossed.


Aqualad looked at his friends before casting his eyes towards the ground, dejected, "My mentor... my King... I thought he trusted me."

"Trust?!" Kid Flash retorted, emerald eyes ablaze as he flailed his arms, "They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got an orbiting secret HQ in space!"

Nightlight, the lone female member of the small group, shook her head as she wrapped her cape around herself, "This is the Justice League we're talking about, I'm sure they have their reasons."

And she meant that. She trusted her father, Shadow Hunter, more than anything. He would know best, and as much as she would love for more responsibilities, she- and the others- were still young.

They still had plenty of time to join the Justice League.

Kid Flash scoffed and ran a hand through his red hair before green eyes met pink, "You would defend the League."

The caped girl's eyes narrowed, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Before Kid Flash had a chance to retaliate, Aqualad stepped in, placing a hand on the annoyed speedster's shoulder, silencing him with a simple look, "Nightlight has a valid point, Kid, this is the Justice League we are referring to. Besides, bickering amongst ourselves will not help our situation."

Kid Flash opened his mouth to respond, but faltered for a moment. He knew Aqualad was right, but his feelings were still a tad bit hurt, so his emotions were running kind of amuck, but he didn't mean to take things out on Nightlight. With a soft frown, he glanced back at the girl, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," The pink-eyed girl responded with a shrug, "but it does beg the question, how many more secrets are they keeping from us?"

"I've got a better question," Robin spoke up, brows furrowed as his friends glanced at him, "Why didn't we leave with Speedy?"

A heavy silence hung in the air at the Boy Wonder's question, four sets of eyes casting their gaze down to the floor. They were stuck, and unsure of how to move forward, spirits crestfallen at the rejection from the League.

What could they do?

Aqualad was the first to break the silence, a curious look in his eyes, "What is..." The young Atlantean paused, thinking over his next works, "Project Cadmus?"

And just like that, the fire was ignited once more.

"Don't know..." Robin started, voice filled with a mischievous air as his lips quirked upwards into a devious smirk, "but I can find out."

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