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Young Justice is not mine.



"Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path."

- Unknown



"Aaaaaaand that's a wrap, ladies!"

Kayanna groaned as she fell to the ground with a flop, chest heaving and sweat trickling down her brow. She exhaled heavily and tossed an arm up over her face, covering her eyes as her heart rate settled. A dull ache had begun to settle within her extremities, particularly her legs, and Kayanna knew she'd be very sore in the morning.

"Good job today, girls!" Maria Usher, Gotham Academy's Varsity dance team instructor praised, "The choreography is really coming together."

There were various claps and cheers from the other dancers as Kayanna stirred and propped herself up, back cracking in the process. She began to stretch, leaning forward and bringing her chest to her knees, legs outstretched as she reached for her toes. Stretching after a vigorous workout- such as dancing- was important, as it helped to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension, which was hopefully going to alleviate some of the soreness she was going to feel tomorrow.

"You're keeping up pretty well, freshie." Kayanna glanced over as Sydney, a junior on the dance team, sat beside the brunette. Her black hair was in a tight bun, brown eyes bright as she smiled at the other girl.

"I'm doing my best." Kayanna admitted softly. It wasn't very often that freshman were allowed onto the varsity dance team at Gotham Academy, but alongside one other freshman, Kayanna had earned her spot, and she was determined to keep it.

"And it shows," Sydney confirmed as she curved her body to stretch to the right, arm lifted above her head.

Kayanna stood up and stretched her arms well above her head, turning to glance down at Sydney with a soft smile, "Thanks, that means a lot." And it did. Most of the girls on the team had been on it for more than a year, and they all knew each other fairly well. It was intimidating, to say the least, to join such a close-nit team, nonetheless one that accepted freshman.

Sydney climbed to her feet as well and together the two walked towards the bleachers to retrieve their stuff. Kayanna grabbed her duffel bag and water bottle, taking a giant swig before following the rest of the team towards the locker room after being dismissed by Maria.


Kayanna stepped out of the changing stall, duffel bag tossed over her shoulder. She ran a hand through her freshly damp hair and made her way towards the exit. Most of the dance team had already left, their instructor included, which left Kayanna alone as she stepped into the darkened gymnasium.

It was eerie being in Gotham Academy after dark, but the dance team's practices often ran late- much to the janitor's annoyance- so it was something the brunette was going to have to get used to.

The silence of the gymnasium was suddenly broken by distant crashing noises. She initially brushed them off, assuming maybe the janitor was the cause of the noise, but then they began to get closer and louder, and Kayanna froze. Her body instantly went on high alert, her duffel bag slipping off her shoulders. She internally cursed at the realization that she didn't have her Nightfall garb with her, which meant doing anything too rash could put her identity at risk.

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