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Young Justice is not mine.


"When the water starts boiling, it is foolish to turn off the heat."

- Nelson Mandela


"Tell me again where you're going?"

Nighttide's voice was tired and clipped, and Nightfall's eyes involuntarily rolled at the tone.

"To stop a bank robbery!"

"I told you to stay put."

"But what if it's The Pyro's?" Nightfall slowed her run as she approached a gap in the rooftops. She glanced over the edge, estimating it to be about a six story drop. Her heart hammered in her chest and she took a few steps backwards before propelling herself forward, leaping over the gap and landing on the next rooftop in a roll.

"I don't want you facing them alone, Nightfall."

The younger waterbender continued racing across the rooftops, cool wind whipping through her hair. She was about a block away from the bank now, and she hoped she wasn't too late to help.

"What if I told you I wasn't going to be facing them alone?" Nightfall questioned slowly, voice slightly strained as she took deep breaths.

There was an audible sigh on her father's end, "Then who will be helping you?"

The bank came into view, and the lights flashing in the front entry were the only signs something was wrong, as the alarms had been silenced. Nightfall paused as she stared at the bank, looking for her point of entry. She wasn't sure where the others had entered, but she assumed they didn't enter through the front entrance.

The younger waterbender reached up, pressing the comm in her ear, "Robin, Kid Flash, and Nightlight will be helping me."

Honesty was the best policy, right? Maybe if Nightfall was honest with her father she wouldn't get in as much trouble...

"Babe," A voice that was definitely not her father's responded, "We know we'll be helping you! But when will you be helping us? These guys are nuts!"

Nightfall smacked her forehead with a groan, pressing her ear again to reply to Kid Flash, "Sorry... this whole two comm thing is confusing."

"No worri-- gahh!" The speedster was cut off by his own cry of pain, and Nightfall could only assume someone had caught him off guard.

Anxiousness bubbled up within the waterbender and she quickly shimmied down the nearest fire escape. The bank was- of course- across the street. Nightfall looked both ways before darting across the street and disappearing into a nearby alleyway.

"Nightfall." Her father's voice was firm, and the girl internally cringed. She forgot to respond back to Nighttide, "Answer the question."

"Sorry!" She squeaked quietly, voice soft as she pressed her back against the brick wall. One of the bank's- normally super secure- backdoors was kicked open, and Nightfall peered around to see if someone was guarding it, "Robin, Nightlight, and Kid Flash are with me."

Nighttide's response was fast, "What are they doing here?"

There was person standing near the entryway, a large flamethrower in hand, but they had their back turned towards Nightfall. She debated whether or not she had enough space to sneak in behind them and potentially take them out, but then they shifted and turned towards the door. Nightfall quickly ducked back behind the wall, hoping she had gone undetected.

Young Justice: As the Tides Change (Robin Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now