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Young Justice is not mine.

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"Love is the life of humanity."

- Emanuel Swedenburg

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"Ea... th... an... na... earth... anna... earth to Kayanna!"

Kayanna blinked as a casted arm entered her field of vision, breaking her out of her bleak trance as it moved back and forth. She glanced downwards, dull blue eyes making eye contact with concerned green.

"You okay, Kay?"

She stared down at the speedster blankly, eyes hazy and distant, "Y-yeah." Her voice was shaky as she spoke softly.

Wally met her sullen gaze, lips quirked downwards. It was obvious Kayanna was lying. She was perched on the armrest of the recliner Superboy so lovingly carried in for Wally, curled in on herself with a somber look on her face. Her arms were wrapped protectively around her chest as she absentmindedly watched the sparring session Black Canary was supervising before them.

Though Kayanna was decked out in her Nightfall garb like the rest of the team- sans Wally- were in their own hero attire, Black Canary had let her sit this match out. It also helped that, with Wally currently milking his broken arm, the team was uneven, and thus Kayanna wouldn't've even had a sparring partner.

"I can tell you're no~ot." The speedster sing-songed softly, gently nudging the girl's side. She smacked his hand away and turned her head, watching as Nightlight flipped Superboy over her shoulder and Robin back flipped away to avoid kick from Artemis.

"I'm fine, Wally." Kayanna bit back. Her tone wasn't very aggressive, but there was an air of snippiness to it. In all honestly, she wasn't sure what she was.

As her father and Batman assessed the Bombsquad situation further, Kayanna was told to just carry on like normal for the time being.

But how could she when some crazed villain knew the secret identity of her and her family?

She had been reassured numerous times that, alongside the League finding Red Tornado, finding Bombsquad had also been placed as a top priority, and League surveillance of the Sanders family had been increased tenfold. The situation still left Kayanna rather rattled and anxious, but not much could be done right now.

Bombsquad was 100% MIA.

"Aaaaaaaand we have two pineapple juices!" Captain Marvel's chirpy voice effectively ended the two's short conversation. The burly man leaned down with a bright grin, proudly displaying a serving tray with two fancily-decorated glasses of pineapple juice, each one sporting their own mini-umbrella.

As fresh beads of condensation rolled down the sides of the refreshing drinks, Wally rubbed his hands together. He thanked Captain Marvel before grabbing a glass, pushing it into Kayanna's hands before grabbing the remaining one for himself.

Kayanna pushed the straw in her beverage absentmindedly, as Wally slurped loudly from his own, "Ah! Just what the doctor ordered!"

"How's the arm doing, Wally?" The Justice Leaguer leaned in closer, inspecting the cast with curious eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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